Mike Ross Capstone Project

Batman is not only the number one most popular superhero but he is also a huge social icon. Batman was invented in 1939 in the comic book world. Batman started out in the first comics carrying a gun and regularly killing criminals by shooting them, strangling them, knocking them off buildings, knocking them into vats of acid. However, overtime he changed his rule to “never kill anyone”. Batman stands for many things and the fact that he really has no unrealistic super power give him more of a connection with us. Batman lost popularity at one time and was being planned to be killed off but with a new director and a new image he regained popularity. Batman is the number one selling super hero when it comes to movie box office revenue. Though Batman has changed so many times in persona, costume, and attitude, his symbol and what he stands will make him remain a cultural icon to children and adults. probably forever.


This is a link to the unknown portion of Batman that many people don’t know:

The Evolution Of Batman In Popular Culture

This post in a blog ties to Forbes Magazine’s yearly update on Fictional Characters Net Worth. Batman is #8. But this link also shows the money his movies have brought in. Not including his merchandise, video games, action figures, comics, miscellaneous items.



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