Capstone Project Proposal – Clean Water Access

For my capstone project, I want to address lack of water access or clean water that still exists today. I want to give a few specific examples from the United States and Africa. Using these comparisons I will show that no matter where you live in the world we are currently experiencing lack of water resources as well as lack of access to clean water. This is both social and sometimes wrongly assumed cultural problem because some people assume that the water crisis only happen in an underdeveloped nation.

For this I will be using an infographic and a remixed video. I want to use the remixed video to show clips and draw attention to this issue while including some information but mostly drawing people into the issue by experiencing it through emotion. I want to remix clips of past water crisis, prevention ideas that have been used in the past and focus in on the people and how it impacts them.

I will then use my infographic to display more facts and information needed for the viewer to draw their own conclusion about the water crisis and possibly what they can do. This will include facts on South Africa’s water shortage, Flint, Michigan water crisis and a few others while listing what can be done through use of graphics. I really want to create for of a picture and design infographic with minimal text that still communicates the point. I believe it will draw more people in.

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