Capstone Project Proposal – Introversion

Quiet Strength – The Power of Introverts

For my capstone project, I would like to create an infographic and a remixed video informing people of the strength of introverts. In the Ted Talk, “The Power of Introverts”, Susan Cain states that introverts take up anywhere between a third to a half of the population, but American society is geared towards extroverts. If you choose not to go to a party with your co-workers, individuals think that you are antisocial. Schools require most students to work in groups and do not provide introverted students with another option. Cain continues by saying that many people see introversion as being shy or under socialized, but introversion is about how one responds to stimulation. Introverts feel the most productive when they are in quiet and thoughtful environments. Cain believes that to help introverts in an extrovert dominated world, we need to accept that they need to work in environments with small amounts of stimulation.

To illustrate the quiet power of introverts, I would like to highlight facts that people might not know about introverts in my infographic. For example, introverts are good listeners. According to Dr. Laurie Helgoe in the Times article, “The Surprising Benefits of Being an Introvert,” extroverts are more likely to interact in a conversation before they fully comprehend what you are saying. Conversely, Dr. Helgoe says, introverts process information internally and that skill allows them to fully comprehend before they speak. For my remixed video, I would like to mix Ted Talks, interviews, advertisements, and other imagery to inform introverts and extroverts alike, about the beauty of quietly listening in a world that will not stop talking.

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