Capstone Project Proposal – Impact of 9/11 on the United States

Capstone Project- 9/11 & Terrorism
My capstone project will focus on the impact of 9/11 on the United States, as well as how this impact changed over time. Following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, the United States rapidly implemented several anti-immigration security measures. These actions appeared to have been out of fear, as the country recoiled from the single greatest terrorist attack in human history. The attack, commonly called 9/11, also represented the single greatest loss of life of firefighters and police officers. The two methods of information delivery that will be used for this topic are the infographic and video remix. The infographic’s main purpose will be to deliver the core facts about the subject. How many lives were lost, the laws put in place afterwards, and additional security measures taken at airports and other secure areas to limit any attacks like this in the future. The video remix will analyze not only how the attacks were allowed to happen, but also the motive behind them. The last portion of the video will analyze how the US has developed over 17 years after the disastrous event. This final portion will connect the topic to the real world and critical topics of immigration laws, which are at the moment a major topic in the US. Part of this final analysis will examine current immigration laws, while the other portion will inspect possible laws put into place in the future. A final scene, a common image when depicting 9/11, a set of firemen re-posting the American flag over the rubble of the Twin Towers, will be used as well, tying the topic not to a fight against immigration, but the unity of America against people who would seek to destroy it.

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