Capstone Project Proposal – Water Warriors

My capstone project will address the health of our waterways and cover things we can do to help our aquatic environment. All our waterways are in crisis—our creeks, streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, and oceans—all around the globe. This is an anthropogenic problem and requires an anthropogenic solution. There are things that each one of us can do to mitigate the damage and hopefully reverse it. We can all become Water Warriors. Indeed, for the health of humanity, we all need to become Water Warriors.

Highlighting water has been a goal of mine throughout the semester. My first attempt at an infographic covered salmon as a keystone species—the canary in the coal mine for our waterways. My artist statement will naturally touch on that when I encapsulate the health of our water ecosystems, and how dependent we are on them. I will also introduce the two topics I have chosen to highlight for this assignment. Water ecosystem restoration and ghost fishing. Ghost Fishing will be addressed in a remixed video. Water ecosystem restoration will be covered in an infographic file.

I believe these two elements will complement each other well. At first, I wanted to do an animation, however, an infographic and remixed video will allow me to share more information—and there is a lot of information I must share. That will be my challenge—to condense my research into the most concise and effective bits of information possible within the constraints that I have. I will need to take all my research, sort and prioritize it, with the goal to win over more Water Warriors.

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