Capstone Project Proposal – Save the Sharks

This has something to do about my capstone project,
Capstone Project Proposal
After reading through the Capstone Project, I have settled on the idea that my subject matter will be based around the ocean. I have not yet decided whether I will focus specifically on cleaning up the ocean or if my focus will shift to saving shark species. I really like the shark idea, specifically because I am deathly afraid of sharks so I have a good amount of knowledge about them. I also notice that there are a lot of misconceptions about sharks and they are being overly hunted. In the end, this decision will more than likely be guided by what videos and images I am able to find and use appropriately. The video remix that I create will more than likely use text to get the message out. There will also be music in the background. Probably some type of hip-hop instrumental. For the other half of this project, I’ve decided to create an image using either Photoshop or Illustrator. My plan for the image is to turn it into an info-graphic with around two to four facts, three pictures, and an ocean blue kind of theme. I am not sure if I am going to go with a cartoon vibe with the shark pictures or if I will use the pen tool to trace more realistic pictures of sharks. I can draw a little bit and the cartoon version of the sharks could make it pop a little better and be maybe more interesting with kids which would widen the audience.

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