Capstone Project – Mental Illness

Mason Miller – Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I’m going to be focusing on the topic of mental illness. I am going to make an infographic along with the remixed video.

For my infographic, I want to take a more analytical side, really focusing on the facts and statistics behind the subject. I will also make it more simplistic, as far as the overall design and aesthetic goes. I want the infographic to be easy to read and still be able to catch someone’s eye. It has to be something that people can easily look at, because the subject matter is serious and the infographic needs to relay the same message.

As far as my remixed video goes, I want it to be another side of mental illness. I don’t want it to be like a commercial or anything like that, but I want it to be something that makes people realize things about mental illness, and how to get help, or even just understanding that people aren’t alone with it. I want the video to be more expressive. I am going to make it so the videos and music that I mash together draw out a certain mood in people. I want it to make people feel. I want it to allow people who don’t go through things like that to be able to experience it in that way, and people that do to realize that other people feel the same way. 

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