Capstone Project – Opioid Crisis

For this Capstone Project, I will be focusing on United states opioid abuse. Opioid can be either plant base (like heroin) or synthetically made (like painkiller Oxycontin). Opioids stop pain from activating a part our brains. Also, it will temporarily releases a chemical called dopamine (is released when good things happen, this chemical is used to teach us to keep seeking out good things).I will be focusing on the synthetic versions of opioid abuse. Statistics show that over recent years there has been an increase of opioid overdoses still in America. Even with a decreased in prescriptions in the abuse of opioids is still strong.

The first media I will use is an infographic. I want to use this infographic to showcase data and statistics found on opioid abuse/overdose. The imagery in this infographic will be silhouettes, medical Rx bottles, and pills. I want to keep the images minimal to represent that addiction is not prejudice and it can anyone.
The second media I will use is an remix. In the remix showcase what an opioid addiction is like. My goal for the remix will be to evoke an emotional response (hopefully from the audience). I may use somber music to set a tone and perhaps ted talks about the the addiction and what it does.
Will reuse the same style of images, typography, and color pallet to tied my website, infographic, and remix together. In both of the infographic and remix I want to end it will resources on getting help for opioid addiction.


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