Capstone: Diversity of Comic Creators

For my capstone project I want to focus on comic creator diversity. Early comics were dominated by Caucasian men, however with the popularity and evolution of comics ever growing, comics have become a more open art form for an increasingly diverse range of creators. This transition is still in its early stages and minorities still struggle significantly to enter this competitive field. It is important that we encourage the diversification of comics and their creators to promote new genres, to reach minority readers, and to understand different views. Improving this area of comics, which is still very much controlled by white men, benefits not only the careers of varied artists, but readers as well. I would promote this opinion and support it with statistics about minorities in comic careers and facts about comics in education.


I will be creating an info-graphic and an animation video for this project. As a visual art, I feel that using visual representations of statistics and examples to portray the diversity of comics fits well. As I stated above I will focus on data involving minority artists in comic careers and how this relates to readers and their education in social issues. I will attempt to style the media objects in a more stereotypical comic style to fit the theme of my topic. Some vague cameos from popular comic characters may appear. The conclusion of these media objects will attempt to make the viewer think about diversity in comic creators and the benefits of supporting them.



Racial Profiling: Capstone Project

Capstone Project- Lylliana Gurrola

For my capstone project I will be looking at racial profiling as a social and cultural topic. Today in society many darker pigmented individuals are killed, judged, or hindered from certain opportunities based on their race. There is more forced used by officers based on race and how patient or understanding of the situation they are. The subject matter I will be enclosing on will be police brutality and the stop and frisking of how often darker people like Mexicans or blacks get stopped vs. lighter colored individuals or whites. And how often certain races are accused for weapons, robbery, auto theft, drugs, or assault. These all fall into crime and which police officers or court deems them guilty. The two media objects I will be completing are a racial profiling infographic on police checking, or brutality and ratios on color. And a remixed video on different scenarios or clips of unnecessary violence or irrational measures being taken. These two media objects matter to each other because one is a flat image of just statistics and facts and the other is something that makes you feel for the subject and the real videos that displayed. Everyday this happens and it needs to stop because families are loosing young ones and being incarcerated for no reason. This relates to my website because it brings all the attention to one space and the subject matter is presented all at once on color, police judgment, incarceration rates, and family morning.

Capstone Project

I’m doing my capstone project on the global warming hoax. There is so much money behind this hoax that majority of the population is simply unaware of the weight behind it. Most people simply haven’t tried to follow the so called “evidence” claims to support this theory. Just like the Y2K hoax, there is no legitimate evidence but empty claims with celebrity stamps of approval. Scientists cannot accurately predict weather out more that a few days so why would anyone think they have proven that climate change is man-made, especially when climate change has occurred naturally for the history of the earth? Temperature records don’t prove anything. There is a lot of money to be made on this and huge leverage by big government control freaks who can use this to dictate every aspect of your life. The facts aren’t convincing at all. Why did the control freaks change the name from global warming to climate change? Because all the cold weather made people realize that global warming wasn’t really happening anything near what the control freaks were claiming. In any case precisely what causes climate to change is a guess – there are just too many variables. By looking at accurate temperature measurements made from weather balloons and satellites over the last 60 years, you will see that they show no atmospheric warming since 1958. Despite the government using more than $50 billion of taxpayers’ money to search for evidence in support of climate change since 1990, no accurate human signal has been identified.

Cascadia Subduction Zone

For my Capstone Project, my primary focus will be on the possible big earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This is a current concern for the residents that reside along the Pacific Northwest, as scientists expect one of the worst earthquakes to hit soon. My project will explain what the Cascadia Subduction Zone is and how it could affect the Pacific Northwest and what precautions residents should take in anticipation of the natural disaster. My intent is to inform and to educate briefly of the concerns and precautions. Scientists say the scale of the destruction will be the biggest in this century if awareness and preparation are not implemented. Many possible lives can be saved if people prepare. The direction that I will take is to make infographic and animation of this topic. I felt that I will do my best on the infographic based off of the last infographic that I made earlier in the semester. I will produce vectored imagery by using the program Adobe Illustrator. As for the animation, I will use Adobe After Effects because I feel that I can better illustrate the topic. In order to make my Capstone Project possible I need to further conduct more research from reputable sources i.e. state and government involved websites. The sources and or images used will be properly cited/credited as instructed in the guidelines. Though this topic is an idea of a possible focus I do have other topics that may interest me to pursue in this Capstone Project.

Pets Without Research

For my project I am thinking about talking about something sort of “animal rights”-ish, but specifically I want to address two problems. First of all, I want to talk about the purchase of animals as gifts, especially small or exotic animals. I would like to address how surprising somebody with an animal as a gift can not only be stressful to the receiver, but can be very detrimental to the animal in question, and can lead to an unhappy relationship between animal and caretaker- if it doesn’t ultimately end in abandonment. I will probably focus my attention on Christmas and Easter a lot, since you have a lot of trouble arising when people think getting chicks and bunnies for the holidays is a good idea.

It ties in to the second and primary thing I want to talk about, which is purchasing pets without doing research (or buying for your kids without research!) You can probably get buy having a dog or a cat without extensive research, but other types of small animals all have really specific needs that people don’t really think about, like rabbits and fish for example. I mentioned that bunnies are targeted a lot at Easter, and they are not low maintenance animals and most people are not prepared for the work that has to go into them. Fish are another good example because there are a lot of misconceptions about how you care for certain types of fish, especially concerning take maintenance. I think I would probably like to do an infographic and an animation or some sort of video. However, I don’t know how I want to break up my information yet.







Military Base Realignment and Closure

The United States is easily the most powerful country in the history of the world. Not only that, but the global influence of the U.S. cannot be overstated. Rife with worldwide conflict, the 20th century saw the rise of the U.S. as a global superpower — and global peacekeeper.

Today, the United States operates more foreign military bases than any other country on the planet. The U.S. also spends more on their military than the next eight nations combined. And a large part of this money goes to keeping these military bases up-and-running. The U.S. has around 800 military bases around the world, more than any other country. In fact, combining the foreign bases that every other nation has outside its own borders would only add up to around 30 bases.

Many of these bases opened after World War II, with the U.S. exerting its newfound global influence to keep the world in peace. Adding to this, the Cold War made a strong global presence crucial to U.S. strategic goals.

Now, even with the major crises of the 20th century over, the United States still holds massive amounts of troops on foreign soil. Taxpayers are paying highly for these decisions. Keeping these 800 foreign bases open costs taxpayers between 70 and 100 billion dollars per year, more than any other government agency receives, including agencies such as the Department of Education.

Lawmakers and taxpayers should carefully weigh the benefits of keeping so much money out of our economy, and into other nations on the far corners of the globe.

To tackle the topic I will create a remixed video as well as an original infographic. The remix will be a good platform to show video from the U.S. bases, as well as giving the option of showing text on-screen with facts. A voiceover might be a good touch as well. I will use some artwork from the infographic in the remixed video to give the website a cohesive feel.

Impacts of Knock-off Products

The direction I am taking for my Capstone project is the issue of counterfeit and knock-off merchandise manufacturing, specifically in the areas of apparel and accessory design. My goal for the project is to inform on why this is not only an ethical and legal problem, but also a fiscal issue for many established brands. Similarly, it will also touch on the distinction and legal gray area between a counterfeit good and a knock-off, and as a consumer, why it is better overall to commit to the real deal. My website will feature 3 webpages, the first being the homepage. This will include an introduction to the topic and more information regarding the scope and background of the issue itself. The second will contain a remix video, the content of which I am still researching and compiling. Currently, it is looking something like a compilation of various industry professional’s commentary discussing how and why the production of consumer products impacts a company’s image and profit. This will act as more of a persuasive method, why the viewer should care about the issue and act on the message of the project. The third page will be an Illustrator infographic that addresses some key points regarding steps consumers can take to avoid unknowingly purchasing these products, as well as some information regarding aesthetic and quality differences. This will act as a final “how to”, and the webpage will also contain source links and other resources used in the making of the project.

Barn/ Cage Raised vs. Free Range

I am going to be looking at the issue of barn raised vs free range raised chickens and the cost that are associated with these forms of production. The other issue that will be covered is the humaneness of each method of farming. These are a social issue since we all eat chicken and are concerned with the treatment of these birds that we are consuming at a rate almost equal to all red meats.
The media objects that I will be using is the infographic and mash up video. The infographic with illustrate the treatment of chickens and give statistics on the types of uses for the chickens. I will also cover the weight consumed each year compared to other sources of meat. I will be using Illustrator to produce the infographic.
The second type of media object will be a mash up video of the living conditions and reasons behind the production of chickens and the issues they face just to feed us. In the video I will be using text along with video clips to illustrate the importance of how we treat these birds. I will also show some of the side-effects of the methods of farming of chickens. The video will cover different cultures and their methods of farming chickens.
These two objects will compliment, each other to produce a web page that will inform visitors who want to learn about the difference in types of chicken farming.

African Clean Water Crisis

For my capstone project, I plan on discussing the clean drinking water crisis in Africa. In 2008, it was reported that roughly 5 million people in South Africa didn’t have access to water and 15 million didn’t have access to basic sanitation. As reported in 2015, 332 million people who live in Africa don’t have access to water as well. Not only do a lot of people struggle to access water in Africa, those who do are exposed to unclean water. This lack of unclean drinking water has a great impact on peoples’ health and well-being. Unclean drinking water and inadequate access to sanitation account for up to 80% of sicknesses in developing countries. Since women and young girls are most likely to be responsible for gathering water, the water crisis effects them the most. The lack of proper sanitation and clean water often leads to schools not having proper bathrooms and toilets, which causes many girls to drop out of school after puberty. The clean water crisis in Africa is a serious issue that concern everyone, not just the people it directly effects.

I plan on creating an infographic and mash-up video for my project. My infographic will include information about the water crisis in Africa and its effects on people who live in the continent. I want to create a mash-up video to avoid repeating information through an animated infographic. I’m going to use clips of people discussing how difficult it is for them to live without access to clean water. My website will include both of my media objects as well as a page of resources for people who want to learn more about the issue or want to help find solutions.

Sleep Deprivation

For my capstone project, I will be focusing on the importance of sleep and how it affects your overall well being and health. I chose to discuss the importance of sleep because I personally never get enough sleep. As I was looking for topics to base my project on, I found it interesting that sleep deprivation is actually a lot more then just missing out on a few hours of sleep. In fact, sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, insomnia, stress and even depression. Within my capstone project, I will be highlighting various sleep facts and why sleep is so important in a re-edited and remixed video. If I can’t find more than one good video to showcase, I plan on creating an animation of some sort instead to replace the remixed video. I will also be creating an infografic through adobe illustrator that presents the importance of good sleep hygiene and the benefits of getting enough sleep each night. Although sleep deprivation is my main focus, I plan on discussing everything sleep related considering my topic is the importance of sleep and not just sleep deprivation.