Capstone Project Proposal – Advocating for Diversity

The capstone project, or final, for this class will be a project to showcase the skills gained both inside and outside class within a webpage. Of all the knowledge and skills practiced for this course I’m most comfortable with these three disciplines: web design, video editing, and vectored imagery. With the website as the foundation to present my work, the two objects that will be embedded on this platform will be an infographic file, as well as a two-minute video remix. As for the social and or cultural subject of this capstone I hope to promote diversity or advocate for a positive impact within the community. Pertaining to diversity the on camps diversity center would be helpful in establishing a specified cause for an infographic and video remix, especially with the goal of promotion in either this organization or another related group. When related to a positive influence in the community, advocacy of local nonprofits, charities, or small businesses could successfully bring people together for action by presenting an idea. No matter which topic is focused and specified the presentation of an idea in an effective way can be done so through the objects mentioned above. With the use of an infographic presenting facts to reinforce the topic and a video remix to invoke ethos within this audience, a bridge is then constructed to support the social or cultural subject matter that revolves around this project. Concluding, my proposal is to generate assistance that could benefit those of the WSUV community and beyond.

Capstone Project Proposal – Web Accessibility

The topic I have chosen for my capstone project is Web Accessibility. The aim of Web Accessibility initiatives is to make websites and other digital media objects designed to remove barriers for people with disabilities or limitations. This aim is based on the core belief that Internet access and use of digital technology is a right, not a privilege, regardless of their ability.

My chosen media objects are an infographic and a remixed video. The infographic will focus on what the web accessibility initiative is and why it is important. The video will highlight how technology can be limiting, or how access can be made improved, for those with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, and visual disabilities.

The intent of these media objects is to inform and raise awareness for social inclusion regarding digital technology. They will also provide tips on how to implement web accessible design guidelines set by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Capstone Project: United States / Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Realations

My topic for my capstone project is going to be the history of the United States/Saudi Arabia diplomatic relationship and the exchange of goods between these two countries. This topic has come up since the killing of the reporter Jamal Khashoggi. The United States has a history of joining Saudi Arabia in arms deals and making sure to prioritize their well being in our foreign policy. America has overlooked many of their misdeeds due to the fact that they are a strong ally in the Middle East and have control over a lot of oil. This is troubling to many Americans due to the human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings. When Russia attempts to kill a British double agent, our government is up in arms. When Saudi Arabia successfully kills a reporter, the president has been extremely hesitant to take any action against the Saudis. For my capstone I am going to do an animated infographic and another static infographic. The exact topics of these is still up in the air, but I am leaning towards having the static infographic be about the history of US/Saudi arms deals. The video infographic will explain the history of the US/Saudi relationship and tell the story up to present day. I am going to use these pieces to flesh out the story that I will be telling through the web page.

Capstone Project Proposal

I believe in creating a world where people are given the room and opportunity to be the best version of themselves. That is why I chose leadership as the path and the topic for the capstone project. We are living in a world that is going through a leadership crisis, not only America but around the world. This crisis creates a lot of problems in our society such as:

  • hyper-individualism
  • being content with mediocrity
  • divisiveness
  • suppression of innovations

  • The true meaning of leadership has been lost over time. In ancient history, even dating back to the caveman era, leadership is about servanthood, not dominant. It’s not about being in charge, it’s about taking care of people in your charge. But slowly, the true meaning of it started to fade away, replaced by management, manipulation and coercion. It got replaced by bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors to try to dissuade people from rising up and making changes in the society. Gradually, the word lost its meaning, no one knows what it means, and no one think they can become one, leaving it to people that abuse authority.

    To demonstrate the topic, I will be using an infographic and a video remix. The infographic will be a timeline about what people say about leadership over time. The video would be combination of quotes from talks, and clips from documentaries that relate to the time period and the historical figures.

    Capstone Project Proposal – Homelessness in the US

    For my Capstone Project I am going to be exploring the issues that homeless people face. Also my project will be about the demographic of homeless people and where homeless people live. I know that in large cities there is a higher rate of homelessness and we can see this especially around the areas we live, Portland and Seattle, where the homeless rates are raising. In my project I will also explore the affects that homelessness has on homeless adults and youth. There are many programs and volunteer work that help the homeless. Also I will be talking about the aid by the government to help the homeless population. I will especially dive into the major homeless problem in the near by city Portland Oregon and how that has affected the city and everyday living in that area. “As of January 2015, Multnomah County, which includes most of the city proper and all the city center, had 3,801 homeless people.” - . Almost everywhere you walk in downtown Portland you are bound to see homelessness and in certain areas the homeless population has set up camps consisting of tents, tarps and shopping carts. There are many reasons for the causes of homelessness, one big part of it is the rent increase and another is the major drug epidemic that has had terrible affects on the city of Portland. In Portland there is many programs and projects to help the homeless population like the Transitions Porjects, Oregon Food Bank, New Avenues for Youth and many more.

    Capstone Project: Fake News

    My Capstone project will look into the American News Agency’s and why they are a problem in the United States and will show the reasons that caused it. Unlike in other parts of the world which governmentally fund news companies to produce truthful and unbiased reports the U.S. agency’s compete for views and money where they need you to watch. As a result of this they stretch the truth, fear monger, and sometimes straight up lie to keep you watching. Only when you are scared and can’t stop watching is when they make money. It’s not surprising with the rise of internet based news making cable obsolete that that this has become even worse. This is why now more than ever have average Americans belief in the news be at an almost all time low. Fake news more prevalent than ever, and having the internet where anyone who questions the legitimately of the stories to easily be able to fact check or get a second opinion there’s no shock they will. This sadly isn’t often done because of echo chambers created by political discourse and division of other opinions. I plan to show the above through an explanatory animation which explains the revenue stream and ratings model, with other statistical evidence including how some graphs and pie charts are misrepresented. I will also create a remixed video of the malpractice seen on air of the truth stretching, ad breaks in the middle of breaking news including school shootings, fear mongering, and that you should only trust them and not to seek the truth yourself.

    Capstone Project Proposal- Cellular System

    My Capstone Project will be focusing on the affect cellular devices have had on human society. Throughout recent years, we have seen the improvement of consumer electronics to the point where they serve as all-in-one devices. Our lives have begun to revolve around these personal assistants, and I want to focus on and recognize these changes through both a video mashup and a short animation.

    The video mashup will mainly showcase the evolution of handheld communication devices from just something in science fiction to an integral aspect of our lives. Much of it will include popular culture clips ranging from films the mid to late 20th century, all the way to present day. I would also like to insert some of my own captured film, in order to display our reliance on cellphones through real-life captures in city life.

    As for the animation, I want that specifically to focus on general facts about cell phones, their usages, and ultimately as the main point, their effect on daily life. This will be somewhat similar to the animated infographic we completed earlier in the semester.

    I believe this is an interesting and relevant concept in today’s age. What is the future of this technology? What is the logical next step from handheld communicators? We know that such progress will eventually take place, but I believe it’s important to restate these questions in new forms of media. Most if not all of these questions will be answered in my mashup video, where I will take to the streets, and using prior research I want to get the public’s opinion on how we use cellular devices.

    Capstone Project – Opioid Crisis

    For this Capstone Project, I will be focusing on United states opioid abuse. Opioid can be either plant base (like heroin) or synthetically made (like painkiller Oxycontin). Opioids stop pain from activating a part our brains. Also, it will temporarily releases a chemical called dopamine (is released when good things happen, this chemical is used to teach us to keep seeking out good things).I will be focusing on the synthetic versions of opioid abuse. Statistics show that over recent years there has been an increase of opioid overdoses still in America. Even with a decreased in prescriptions in the abuse of opioids is still strong.

    The first media I will use is an infographic. I want to use this infographic to showcase data and statistics found on opioid abuse/overdose. The imagery in this infographic will be silhouettes, medical Rx bottles, and pills. I want to keep the images minimal to represent that addiction is not prejudice and it can anyone.
    The second media I will use is an remix. In the remix showcase what an opioid addiction is like. My goal for the remix will be to evoke an emotional response (hopefully from the audience). I may use somber music to set a tone and perhaps ted talks about the the addiction and what it does.
    Will reuse the same style of images, typography, and color pallet to tied my website, infographic, and remix together. In both of the infographic and remix I want to end it will resources on getting help for opioid addiction.


    Capstone on Homelessness in our community.

    My Capstone Project

    For my Capstone project I decided to do my project on “Homelessness in our community”. I am not just generalizing it as homelessness, rather how homelessness affects families and our community. I’ve had an interest in the stigma and the stereotypical thoughts made toward those who are homeless for years now. I am mostly interested in doing this topic because I’ve been there more than once and I know a lot information to educate people to know what it’s actually like to be homeless, especially in our community and get rid of that stigma and those stereotypical thoughts on homelessness. My basis and main focal point will be on a wonderful place located in downtown Vancouver. The place is called Open House Ministries and it serves homeless families in our community.  I am going to do a video mashup and an infographic on my project. I am excited to do the video portion because video is what i’m into. I am going to try my best at having text, color and images that will tie both together in the infographic and video mashup. 



    <blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>There are outreaches all over for Vancouver. 3 of which are family shelters.</p>&mdash; Audrey H (@AudreyH18551742) <a href=””>October 30, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>


    <blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Reasons for homelessness varies from simple to complex.</p>&mdash; Audrey H (@AudreyH18551742) <a href=””>October 30, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>


    <blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>There was an increase of 105 who are unsheltered from 2017-2018 in clark county.</p>&mdash; Audrey H (@AudreyH18551742) <a href=””>October 30, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>


    <blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>People spend 30-50% of their income on housing.</p>&mdash; Audrey H (@AudreyH18551742) <a href=””>October 30, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    Capstone Project – Computer Science History

    Capstone Project – Computer Science History

    Joshua Sedig

    For my capstone project, I will be doing an infographic with a remixed video. The subject matter would be related to the evolution of computer science over the years.

    I plan on using Illustrator for most of my infographic. The layout would be a vertical timeline for the history of computer science. The major events within computer science will be listed in order of date. I will be using colors that are easy to read with and don’t interfere with the information. the pictures will be simple and to the point.

    The remixed video will be focused on the importance of computer science and will show many applications of it. I will show a lot of the important points in history where computer science had a large impact and how it has helped us progress. I will start simple at the start of the video and have it end on a large scale application. some of the topics I plan on covering are space exploration, Internet, and jobs.