Veteran Suicide Rate for capstone project.

    For my project, I want to discuss an issue that is often overlooked by our society as a whole. That is military veteran suicide rate. My own personal experiences in the military left me with first hand knowledge to the severity of this ongoing problem. In 2012 alone more veterans succumbed to suicide than to deaths in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. The United States department of Veteran Affairs released a study covering the years from 1999-2010, revealing that as many as 22 veterans were committing suicide per day.
    For my project I want to compare and contrast the suicide rate while soldiers who are still actively serving, and in addition, the first three years of after leaving the service. I want to focus on these areas, because these are what are what I would consider the most at risk timelines for suicide rates of soldiers. As I know, the times before a deployment can be painfully and emotional trying for individuals to cope with, often leading to a spike in suicide rates.  Then next the first three years after leaving service is another of which suicide amongst veterans runs prominent due not being able to adjust or assimilate back to civilian life, often feeling an emotional and social disconnect amongst prior friends and family. In turn, leading to severe depression and possibly suicide. My overall goal is to bring attention to the high suicide rates that not only soldiers face during active service but after they leave service as well. I will be using an infographic to illustrate the numbers of suicides for each category and video mashup to highlight some of these ongoing issues.