Varity Schwartz – Capstone

With my Capstone project, I intend to discuss the wage gap in Hollywood between male and female actors/actresses, directors, and crew. Coupled with that, I want to tie in the underrepresentation of women in Hollywood. This will likely lead to a conversation about not only gender, but race, age, religion, and sexual orientation. This particular topic is currently a hot button issue. There have been several articles lately as women in Hollywood are being more vocal about the wage disparity and general treatment in Hollywood. Due to the prevalence, I expect there to be a plethora of information at my disposal.

To illustrate these points,  I intend to use an infographic and an animated video showing statistics and information supporting the wage gap and underrepresentation. In one of my tweets I pose the question, is this a feminist issue or a humanist issue. Using the humanist angle as a tie in, I can discuss the how this disparity extends far beyond gender.

If possible, I would also like to explore the history of the wage disparity in Hollywood – pre-civil rights movement to today.I also hope to discuss some ways in which Hollywood can close the gap, what steps may have already been taken, steps that are planned to be taken, and how the future of equality looks in Hollywood.

Some thoughts on some additional pages, aside from the two media objects mentioned, I’d like to provide backlinks to some useful articles and informational websites relating to this topic as well as possible resources for women in Hollywood.





Capstone Project Sex Trafficking

Capstone Project


The topic for this capstone project is to research and bring more awareness to a global issue on sex trafficking. This is a serious and dangerous topic that needs to be talked about more to spread awareness. For the overall project, a combination of documentaries will be used, along with graphics and visuals focusing on the west coast and the interstate 5 corridors from San Diego to Seattle. This is an important subject that needs to raise more awareness and options for victims to receive help.

Sex trafficking is the exploitation of women and children, including young boys, within national or across international borders, for the purposes of forced sex work. Commercial sexual exploitation includes pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking of women and girls, and is characterized by the exploitation of a human being in exchange for money. Women and girls are ensnared in sex trafficking in a variety of ways. Some are lured with offers of legitimate and legal work. Others are promised marriage, educational opportunities and a better life. Many are sold into trafficking by boyfriends, friends, neighbors or even parents.

This project will focus on a website design that explains the situation as well as the red flags to be aware of, along with where to seek help. The history of this dates back many years and Portland, Oregon has been a main area of sex trafficking for centuries. It also has the largest commercial sex industry in the country. It is important to expose and research this $32 billion dollar industry.

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Go Travel Solo

The subject that I will be discussing for my capstone project will be about the female traveler and trying to empower then to go travel solo. A few of my ideas that I wanted to bring up was the misconception of traveling solo, possibly things to bring, and how the solo female traveling market has multiplied. I will be doing the infographic and animation to portray the information I found.

The animation will be helpful to put tips for solo travelers. I was planning on making a video that helps female travelers know what to bring and be mental prepared. In a sense it will be a motivational video to encourage more women to travel solo and set out of their comfort zone. Possibly putting in a few quotes from females that have traveled before. We are already seeing it within the market. The amount of women-only travel companies has increased 230% in the past six years. The infographic will be more of the statistics. It will show the average age, the difference between men and women who travel alone, the benefits.

These two media object relate to one another by complementing each other’s facts. The animation will be motivational and positive fact, while the infographic will have more of the background information such as spending amounts, comparison between men and women. For example 80% of solo travelers are female. Having all of this information available on a website will be handy since while your traveling it can be accessible from a phone to view the information anywhere in the world that there is service.

Nic Stevens – Capstone Proposal

Drinking and driving has been an issue for many years, and unfortunately has only been getting worse. I thought it would be interesting to address the consequences of drinking and driving such as injuries, deaths, DUIs, jail time, fines, suspended license. The two media projects I was planning to create were going to include the infographic file as well as an animation. They are both relative to each other because I want to relay a strong message that will stick with my audience in these two mediums.

 The infographic is going to pose as an ad, and contain a simple caption, however the image below the caption will be powerful. An idea that I had for the infographic includes two things. The caption will say something such as “Don’t Drink and Drive”, or “The Faster You Drink, The Faster You Crash”. I will then have a picture of a medium/close up shot of an individual drinking a full glass of beer. Inside of the beer, I am planning on drawing a car using Adobe Illustrator and make it look like the car is crashing into the individual’s face. I may also use Adobe Photoshop to make the face look damaged around the lips. This will relay a simple, yet powerful message to my audience.

The animation will show various statistics. I am also trying to develop a script to possibly contain a cartoon skit demonstrating the consequences of drinking and driving.



Health Impacts of the Animal Industry

For my Capstone Project I want to explore the animal industry’s impact on both the health of an individual and the Earth. I will briefly summarize the wide scope of the animal industry on my site but in order to keep a coherent focus I will concentrate on meat and dairy and the impact these products have on both the health of the globe and the individual. While I will primarily be focusing on the negative aspects of the industry, there are a few benefits to it as well that I would be biased to ignore—though as I will make clear, the great majority of the industry’s impact on global well-being is undesirable and greatly outweighs the few benefits the industry provides. I will create an infographic using vectored images as well as a remixed video using clips from other CC videos.

Animals used in agriculture take up a lot of space and occupy land that used to be rainforest or that could have been used to grow crops for human consumption. This results in decreased biodiversity as well as hunger across the globe. Carbon and methane from these ruminants become trapped in the atmosphere and the air we breathe. Their waste contaminates water through improper disposal.

However this is not all. While there is a relationship between high rates of meat consumption and obesity, heart disease, stroke, and a variety of other medical conditions, not to mention its propensity to transmit diseases, milk consumption has been linked to obesity, osteoporosis, and cancer due to both natural and artificial hormones within it.

The animal industry has suffered large profit gains in recent years at the expense of small farmers, and it is slated to grow even larger as the world population increases. We must remember that our resources are not infinite, and there is a limit to how large anything can grow before it will collapse upon itself.

Capstone Proposal / Peralta

Over 100 years ago , an art movement had begun. Starting with Winsor McCay, the creator of the first full-page comics ‘Rarebit Fiend’ and ‘Little Nemo in Slumberland’ (these were some of the first psychedelic graphics). Shortly after that we saw Marcel Duchamp paint a mustache and beard on a reproduction of the Mona Lisa, to question and subvert the fine art world.
Here we are in the beginning of the 21st century Lowbrow art, which has been influencing design, film, fashion ,advertising, music and television for at least the last half century, is barely recognized as a high art form. Ultimately, some artists eventually find themselves among the highly accepted artists such as the likes of Picasso, Miro, Duchamp and Cezanne, but not without battling their way past the high priests who hesitate to show their work.
Lowbrow ( a term coined by Robert Williams in the mid 1960s ) art is varied and complex. It is a combination of pop-surrealism, cartoons, narrative, pervasive, kustom kulture, retro illustrative, expressionist and psychedelic punk, just to give you some idea of the enormous scope. Cartoon art, however, would be the single most powerful influence. Cartoon art seems to shape pop-surrealistic art both stylistically and philosophically, especially since its insurrection in the 1960s with underground comics and psychedelic posters.
My intention with this three page website is to introduce the viewer to a brief history of “Lowbrow” art, a comprehensive timeline as an info graphic and a partially animated mash up several wonderful pieces of art.


Johnny Fairchild Capstone Project

The topic I will be exploring will be the positive benefits of children who are involved in youth athletics. I chose this topic because number one I am actively involved in volunteering in sports, and second because I believe there is a strong correlation between the lessons playing sports teaches you and being an effective adult.

It has been my understanding that participating on a team, especially at a young age can do a lot to instill a plethora of invaluable life skills such as responsibility, accountability, perseverance, teamwork, and that is just to name a few.

My project will compare statistical data that shows youth who participate in some sort of sports team ultimately end up being more successful in life. The medium I will use to communicate this be an infographic that presents the data I uncover in a very eye friendly and easily understandable format. The meat and potatoes of my statistical research will be comparative data that identifies how kids with some youth sports affiliation do better in school, go further with education, and ultimately are more well rounded people.

The second medium I will be using with be a remix video that I will use to explore the effects of sports as a tool for life skill learning. I will use a voice over narrative, and include action shots from the actual youth sports I am involved in as well as interviews with players and parents.

I will also address some of the negative connotations surrounding some youth athletics. For example I will highlight some of the safety changes in youth football that are geared towards making the game safer for our kids.

Capstone Proposal

the subject I am going to do for my capstone project is on the subject of cell phone use while driving. you are more impaired when talking or texting while driving, than when you are drunk. First, I am going to go and search for all information on impaired driving and then narrow it down to cell phone use while behind the wheel. Making sure to focus on that one topic instead of using information about impaired driving as a whole.

Capstone Proposal

With the rise of mobile devices, people are able to stay connected to one another more easily than ever before. Unfortunately, with this advancement in technology, people have began using this freedom everywhere, even while driving. In 2014 by itself, there were 3,129 distracted driving related deaths. Most advertisements on television and the internet focus on teens as the culprits behind distracted driving. As teens make up a lot of the statistics given on this topic, they don’t represent the whole picture. After some research, I’m sure I’ll find that this demographic isn’t the only group practicing unsafe driving habits.
For my capstone project, I will focus on distracted driving as a whole. With research into the topic, I will begin to uncover what steps are being taken to reduce distracted driving.
In terms of what I’ll be producing for this project, I’ve decided that I want to make an animation, and an infographic. This project will be statistic driven, so I plan on taking advantage of this by creating an infographic that will encapsulate these stats. For my animation, I want the viewer to witness the actual impact of distracted driving. I will use images of horrendous car crashes and other pictures that are a result from distracted driving. I’m hoping to make this animation as dramatic as possible, to really drive my point across.
With this capstone project, it is my aim to raise awareness on distracted driving.

Capstone Project – Oberg – Vote! It’s your right!

The subject matter that I have chosen is voting. Voting is a fundamental right for the peoples of the United States of America. So much so that, since the creation of the United States Constitution, there have been four amendments that specifically address voting rights. In my Capstone project I want to address these amendments and their importance. I also want to address the historically low voter turn outs for federal, state, and local elections. The two media objects I am choosing for my capstone project are remixed video and animation. I am going to use the two media objects to separate the federal election information from the state and local information, while the website is going to give a general overview of what our rights and responsibilities are with regards to voting.
For example:
The Fifteenth Amendment prevents the government, both state and federal, from inhibiting a citizen’s right to vote based on their ‘race, color, or previous condition of servitude.’ Now, while this addressed race color and servitude, it still did not allow for women to vote.
Due in large part to the women’s suffrage movement of the early 1900’s, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified prohibiting the denying of the right to vote on the basis of sex.
The Twenty-Fourth Amendment prohibited the requiring a poll or other type of tax in federal elections which was preventing people with little money the opportunity of voting.
The last one is the Twenty-Sixth Amendment which reduced the voting age to 18 allowing all those of majority the opportunity to vote.
So, as you can see, the right and responsibility of voting is so important that the Constitution was amending four times to allow all the opportunity to vote.
However, many people still do not take that opportunity. In 2008, just 56.8% of the voting age population turned out to vote. In 2012, it dropped to 53.6%, and those were presidential election years. In 2014, a non-presidential election year, the turnout dropped to just 36.3% for federal elections such as for congress and the senate.
This isn’t even taking into account state and local elections for representatives and measures that can directly face our lives.
This article isn’t to try and sway you from one side to another or to pick a particular mandate. That is for you to decide. However, if we all do our part in voting for who and what we believe will best help our society then we are taking personal responsibility for choosing who can best represent our needs. It’s that important.