Capstone Project – Mental Illness

Mason Miller – Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I’m going to be focusing on the topic of mental illness. I am going to make an infographic along with the remixed video.

For my infographic, I want to take a more analytical side, really focusing on the facts and statistics behind the subject. I will also make it more simplistic, as far as the overall design and aesthetic goes. I want the infographic to be easy to read and still be able to catch someone’s eye. It has to be something that people can easily look at, because the subject matter is serious and the infographic needs to relay the same message.

As far as my remixed video goes, I want it to be another side of mental illness. I don’t want it to be like a commercial or anything like that, but I want it to be something that makes people realize things about mental illness, and how to get help, or even just understanding that people aren’t alone with it. I want the video to be more expressive. I am going to make it so the videos and music that I mash together draw out a certain mood in people. I want it to make people feel. I want it to allow people who don’t go through things like that to be able to experience it in that way, and people that do to realize that other people feel the same way. 

Capstone Project Proposal – Stop Animal Cruelty

For my capstone project, I will be addressing animal rights and the cruelty of animal testing. For many years, animals have been used in labs to test products such as make up or any other new products that will be sold to humans. They are also tested for new drugs by interfering with the animal’s health and injecting them with diseases or breeding them in an unnatural way. Although there are possible benefits from doing this, like making sure a product doesn’t harm humans, but it is cruel to animals and there are alternative ways. Animals are anatomically and physiologically different from each other and can’t accurately portray a human. Examples will be found and be used to support this. I will also be including information on natural ways make up or other products can be made and used and also the option of buying cruelty free make up products.

I plan on incorporating an infographic and a video remix to my capstone project. I believe these two will provide the information I want to include in my capstone project by incorporating visual information through the infographic. In the infographic, I plan on creating visuals of animals and the cruelty done to them when skin and eye irritation tests are done, and how a lot of healthy animals can be made sick in order to test the effectiveness of drugs. Although tests are done on humans as well, they have the right to choose and volunteer, whereas animals do not get the choice to choose if they want to be used and tested. I will be using the video remix to show how cruel and unnecessary it is to test products on animals and incorporating this all into my three-page website.

Capstone Project- Life on Mars (Vanessa Casillas)

Life on Mars

For my Capstone Project, I will be focusing my project on the topic of the possibility of life on Mars. As a huge believer in the possibility of life out there in the universe, I am fairly certain that this topic will entertain my interest for a good while (at least until the end of the semester).

For this project, I plan to create an infographic detailing current facts and information regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which would likely include imagery involving the red planet itself, as well as some space themed imagery as well. Not only that, but I also intend to create a remixed video in which someone is giving a speech about the possibility of life on Mars, while space and Mars related imagery plays. My hope with this video is that it inspires others and persuades them that Mars exploration can and should be continued (especially where life is involved).

In doing these two projects, my hope is that the infographic would inform the user about the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars, and perhaps offering little known facts that could change the way in which one sees the red planet. While the remixed video will inspire and move people in a way that forces encourages them to support future space exploration regarding life on Mars. In a way, both projects would ideally complement each other with one offering information and the other providing inspiration to the user. And in doing so, a balanced harmony and unity between the two would be formed.

Capstone Project Proposal – Frogs in the Pacific Northwest

For my Capstone Project, I would like to discuss the state of frogs in the Pacific Northwest. I will discuss facts about Pacific Northwestern frogs, the issues they are currently facing, the risk of extinction each species faces, and ways we can ensure their survival and well-being.

For the first media object, I will create an infographic file that provides concise information about what I listed above, tailored to fit each of the frog species that inhabit the Pacific Northwest. The IUCN conservation status (from “least concern”, such as the northern leopard frog, to “threatened”, such as the Oregon spotted frog) of each frog species will be shown in a way that allows them to be easily compared, which will provide emphasis for which species need the most assistance (and which are regarded as pests, such as the bullfrog). In addition to the conservation statuses, I will provide information about each frog species’ habitat needs, food and feeding habits, reproduction and life cycle, and mortality and longevity. For the second media object, I will create an animation detailing ways in which we can provide assistance for frogs. Some methods I will likely include are protecting the frogs’ natural habitats and removing invasive species.

The two media will work well together, chiefly via matching style and continuity. Both will be concise and remain focused on the topic of Pacific Northwestern frogs. I plan to aim for legibility and ease of understanding, which may prove to be a challenge, given the vast amount of information about this topic available to compress into this project.

Capstone Project Proposal – Military Spending in the U.S.

The subject matter that I want to do my capstone project on is military spending in the United States. I am interested in this subject because I have worked for defense contractors in the past and I was surprised at the amount of money the Department of Defense spent on overhead alone. Currently, the U.S. spends billions of dollars every year on the military. This amount is excessive, and the funding could be put towards other areas such as education, science, or healthcare. The direction I am going to take in this capstone is to highlight how the U.S. spends discretionary government funding inefficiently on the military. In addition, I will be comparing the U.S. to other countries and detail the advantages and drawbacks of using a high percentage of their funds on defense.

The two media objects I will create are an animated infographic and remixed video. For the remixed video, its main purpose will be to introduce my audience to my subject. It will not be as informative but will help draw viewers into my website. My main media object will be an animated infographic. Its purpose will be to provide statistics and figures that detail how inefficient military spending is in the U.S. It will be informative but succinct so that my viewers will not lose interest. I chose an animated infographic rather than a print because I would be able to deliver the information in a more entertaining way. The final piece of my capstone would be an HTML page that provides much more detailed facts with sources. If time permits, I will create more media objects to further enhance my site.

Capstone Project Proposal – Space Race

The subject matter I would like to focus on for my capstone project is the United States/Soviet Space Race. The Space Race was a monumental time in world history. By covering this topic, I could write on how the space race affected the Cold War and how it brought about the advancement of many different technologies. I believe this topic has a lot of content ripe for remixing.

Because NASA is a government organization, footage created by them is considered public domain. Considering this, I think it would be interesting to make a video remix showing the various rockets that were launched during that time. I would likely remix it using a voiceover from President Kennedy or perhaps a NASA scientist speaking about the topic. I will probably also use music of some variety to have something to sync my visuals to.

My other media object would be an infographic that covers a timeline of the Space Race. I would use Adobe Illustrator to create the graphics. I would create caricatures of John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, as they were the two most important political figures involved with the Space Race. I could also make some images of various spacecraft and how they developed. Many of the early spacecraft had unique designs, Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite comes to mind, along with many others.

I have always been fascinated by space and space travel, as my other projects in this class may have hinted at. I believe the focus on history will make this a fun and interesting topic to work on.

Capstone Project Proposal – Voting

In the spirit of the current midterms that are occurring right now, I’ve decided to make my capstone project about the importance of voting, not only for presidential elections, but for the lesser viewed midterms, which are just as important. For this project, I’ll be creating an infographic to show different demographics and recent voting turnouts in past years, along with an animation about the importance of voting and what the different elections are for and who they elect. I plan on connecting my animation and infographic together by using some of the same imagery in both. In my infographic, I would show which states are typically blue, which ones are typically red, and which ones are swing states, and what swing states mean. I would sum it up to what the most important need-to-know information, and would explain things like how the electoral college is the deciding factor of who wins the Presidential Election. I’d write it out as if I was explaining to someone who had never voted before, or was from a different country and wanted to know more about how we conduct voting here. In the animation, I’d go more into detail about how different states conduct voting differently, like how some states have mail-in ballots, as well as where to go to vote in person and how to register online. I’d like to talk about the different parties that aren’t democratic or republican and are also represented on ballots, since most new voters probably don’t know what these parties stand for or who they tend to align with.

The Growth of Esports in CS:GO, Overwatch, and LoL

Central Idea/Plan

For my capstone project, I would like to design a website focused on the growth of Esports in games like League of Legends, CS:GO, and Overwatch. The site would explore the rich histories of the games and the turning points that allowed them to draw so many eyes with their professional competitive play. I also would like to go through what it is like being a professional who works for companies who compete in the leagues that these games offer.

Front Page

As far as design goes, I want to use stack parallax effects to elongate my front page to allow maximize the image to information ratio. This page will include the introduction of the three games I am discussing. As far as color choices go, I’m thinking of using colors from the games that I am discussing. The color orange from CS:GO, brighter colors from Overwatch, and darker colors from League of Legends. Images I would pull from the live tournaments from all three games would be used as my backgrounds and I would trace their logos and implement those into the general design of the tabs where the links to the other pages are as well as down the page.

Second Page

My second page will include a nice infographic with main statistics about the games and their viewers. Design would morph along the page to, again, match the themes of the games.

Last Page

My third page can include a video about the lifestyle of esports players and how life is playing for an esports team as well as topics about where esports came from, where it is now, and where it is expected to go in the coming years.

Capstone Project Proposal- Waste Management

Waste Management

Bryan Kipp

Capstone Project Proposal

In this Capstone project, I’m going to be discussing the importance of protecting our environment such as forests, rivers, and oceans, from environmental waste. This issue is important to me because I have taken multiple environmental classes and am dedicated to reducing my carbon footprint by learning and understanding these issues in our everyday society that create a huge threat to wildlife environments. Everyday pesticides and toxic chemicals leach into our environment from landfills and improper use of everyday home chemical products which create environmental problems. Other environmental waste includes improper disposal of electronics like cellphones and tv’s that end up in landfills or incinerators that take a massive amount of energy for disposal. Another environmental issue is factory farms that store animal waste in big lagoons that can stretch as far as multiple football fields that leak into waterways killing plants and animals. I am going to create an infographic file (at least 1400 x 800 – height x width pixels) and an animation file (1 min. – 1:45 mins. long) discussing major issues with environmental waste and want to focus on everyday solutions that would help reduce these problems and help clean up our environment. These two media objects will relate to one another by focusing on major issues related with environmental waste and will help provide possible solutions. The infographic will highlight problems and solutions while the animated file will visually show how these problems go into effect and how an understanding of possible solution would help reduce these issues.

Works Cited

  • No author. Manufacturing and Industrial. WM.COM. Waste Management. No publication date.
  • No author. Factory Farming and the Environment. No published date.
  • Capstone Project Proposal – Student Loan Debt

    For my capstone project I would like to focus on the issue of student loan debt in America. Student debt is a massive number that keeps rising in America and the shift in the price of college tuition has grown tremendously in the last 30 years. This topic is relevant to me and many people in school or who want to go to school. Also this personally affects many people I know.

    For my first piece of media I want to create an infographic that nicely presents the facts about student debt. Facts like the total student debt in America, the average debt per student, the cost of tuition, things that contribute to student debt, etc.

    For my second media I would like to create an animation. Since in my infographic I’m already presenting the facts about student debt, I want to use my animation to talk about ways to minimize student debt with scholarships, FAFSA, and other programs. Along with talking about the programs, I would include how to apply to the programs and emphasize the importance of signing up before the deadlines. These projects relate together because they are on the same line of subject matter. They both address that student debt is a problem. The infographic presents facts in an easy nice to read way. Instead of using the animation to present the same facts again, I would use it to present different facts which would be instead to help student debt, instead of only telling you about student debt.