Nathaniel’s Capstone Project

I wanted to focus my capstone project on marketing. I know that marketing is a very broad topic and I was thinking in what way can I narrow this topic. I love how marketing has truly change in the new age of social media. Now marketing a new product is just as easy as posting a tweet saying how the company came up with a new product or posting a picture on Instagram. I wanted to look into how marketing has changed throughout history, and how now it has been revolutionized through this new day and age of social media.
I will be looking into the history of marketing and how has that been perceived by society. I have chosen to use a Remixed video and an Infographic file showing how this topic correlates with one another. One question that I have been having is Should big business stop spending so much money on other marketing strategies and just stick with social media? I would like to explore this more in depth to see how truly close marketing works hand and hand with social media. Would we no longer need big advertisements agencies? All we need is an audience and a clever #hashtag now days.


I am going to do my Capstone Project on hypnosis, the subconscious mind, and the potential we have through ‘this form of media’. I have not decided yet, but may touch on the concept of a collective consciousness. I have done several of my projects, in other DTC classes, on hypnosis and will be able to draw off of some of that material. I am in the DTC program mainly to compliment and market my hypnotherapy practice and it is these final projects and capstone projects that push me to create what will become a big part of my marketing strategy. I am currently operating my business through my website that was created in DTC355, and I also created an E-book in DTC375 that I plan to finish and publish someday.

This project has the potential to be either an addition to my current website or another form of online marketing. I plan to recreate my infographic with not so much ‘creepiness’, and instead push toward the direction of a fun informational marketing cartoon, which is the definition of an Infographic. I have also been experimenting with some remix material created with Premier Pro much like we did with our video remix’s. This will provide the other media object for this project

The infographic will stand alone as the entertaining part of the site, and the video will be featured to compliment parts of the text. It will be some kind of impact on the theme, such as a series of doors as a metaphor for choices in life.

Cole Benak Capstone Project – Support The Craft

The craft beer industry is one Pacific Northwesterners know extremely well, however it is not contained to just our region.  Craft breweries can be found across the United States, and throughout the world.  Since the 1980’s this distinct and unique industry began with home brewers experimenting on their own, sharing recipes and creating not only a new industry, but a new community.  With grassroots firmly planted, it was time to grow, but not without its own hurdles to overcome.

As in every other industry, in order to grow and develop not only to expand your product but to also make a profit, there needs to be a form of capital and investment.  This is typically done by owner bringing money in, but this can only go so far before you must wait for the slow return of profit.  With outside investors brewers not only lose a portion of ownership, but also some control – this control and oversight of the craft allows errors, mishaps and sometimes a decline in product quality.  Microbreweries are no longer becoming micro – the product is such that in order to continue growing, there must be expansion.

In addition to investment issues, there are also environmental issues.  Although this doesn’t have a direct way to fix it, it is something that typically goes unconsidered by the general public.  A harsh season can leave many breweries that rely on specific crops without important pieces of their recipe.  This then forces them to use alternate products, effecting no only their brew, but ultimately the product they then bring to market.



Nick Fouts’ Capstone Project Intro | Ban the Box

For many people, filling out a job application can be relatively stress free, and maybe even exciting. However, for people who have been previously arrested or convicted, filling out a job application may not be worth the effort. A movement called the Ban the Box campaign was started in 2004, with goals of changing perceptions of people with histories of convictions or jail time.

The phrase “ban the box” refers to the checkbox on many applications that asks if the applicant has criminal history. Calling on cities and states to remove this checkbox, the movement urges employers to hire based on knowledge, skills, abilities and qualifications, rather than judging based on conviction history. In the case of many companies, applications will not even be considered if that box is checked. For many people who have been convicted of a crime in the past, their crimes were small or so long ago that they are irrelevant and would not impact their ability to do the job, yet employers still chuck the applications. With a significant percentage of adults having a conviction history, this issue can be detrimental to a person’s future after serving jail time.

For this project, I will produce an infographic with statistics about incarceration and employment to illustrate how difficult it is for people with criminal history to find employment. I will also create an animation that explains the issue and provides a solution and alternatives that benefit everyone.

Sammi Bieber – Capstone Blog Post

Between scientists and various health professionals, vaccines have been deemed safe for children who do not have weakened immune systems or severe allergies to the vaccine. It is imperative that healthy children do receive vaccinations to protect the children who cannot be vaccinated. Throughout time, vaccines have not only protected individuals from getting sick, but they have also eradicated diseases entirely. Because of this, it is worth it to vaccinate, despite the supposed risks.

One of the biggest reasons people choose not to vaccinate their children is because they believe vaccinations to be associated with Autism; however, there is no valid evidence that supports that claim. Instead, children should be vaccinated so that people can be protected. If vaccinations are widely provided, entire communities can build immunities to diseases. Additionally, studies have shown that vaccinations help to build individuals’ immune systems, resulting in overall less illness than their unimmunized counterparts. Overall, the advantages of vaccines overwhelmingly exceed the downfalls, that may not not even exist.

In order to present this information, I want to create an infographic poster that outlines statistical evidence about the safety of vaccines. Additionally, I would like to either produce an animation or a remixed video to visually summarize the safety of vaccines. This will, ideally, be put together on a visually pleasing website under different tabs. I would also like to include links to scholarly websites that outline the safety of vaccines.

Evan Torres | Paper Vs. Web Comics

My capstone project will have a focus on webcomics, in particular, webcomics versus traditional comics. Potential topics would include some comparing and contrasting of the two, a brief history of both, views and opinions on what the general public thinks of them, and maybe even the different styles of the two.

Web and traditional comics might have totally different mediums, but the styles they have are often quite similar to one another, by which I mean they can be roughly sorted into two categories: Strips and stories. My project would go into detail about what these two coined styles mean, as well as provide external links to various comic publishers’ websites.

Comic strips are what you might expect: A series of three to four panels usually telling a joke. There are more than enough examples of these in traditional format (Peanuts, Garfield), but there are a few examples of this in digital form as well (Penny Arcade, PvP). Likewise, stories are more elaborate and detailed, taking form in traditional mediums as comic books, and in webcomics as whole pages posted over a set time.

Additionally, I could very easily go into detail on whether or not multimedia comics and flash animations count as “webcomics.” Since this is somewhat subjective, I would probably do my comparing and contrasting here using an infographic, displaying the differences between these types of media and standstill images. Of course, I still need to use remixed media, so I could probably use it to help make this point by creating a short video detailing how this type of comic looks and feels.

Mackenzie Koch Capstone Project

When you try to explain a video game, how would you describe it? A movable art form that guides its players to a certain goal? A way in which people can discover a hidden message behind its virtual walls? Or a distraction for children that takes them away from greater purposes such as schoolwork, joining teams, or becoming part of a club like many parents describe them as? How about describing video games as a way to increase one’s creativity? Think about it! When you are playing a video game, you become complete immersed into the virtual world. You transform into the main protagonist with one main goal that involves overcoming obstacles to achieve what your characters desires. Now, apply that to the real world.

As I was trying to find information based around this topic, I found many websites that provide me with studies that show children who play video games are more creative in their drawings and how that overcome obstacles in their lives. Children learn to plan, search, and tackle challenges in the games that they can apply to modern challenges such as making decisions and facing consequences. With this, I will be focusing my Capstone project around the idea of how video games increase one’s creativity which allows an individual to advance better in life.

For my project, I plan on creating an infographic animation that will provide the ways of how video games increase creativity in its players and how this increase in creativity helps an individual in the real world. This infographic will include statistics along with animations which will be created within Illustrator and Affect Effects. I also plan on creating a mashup to help show the connection between video games, the players, and their evolving creativity. While the infographic animation explains the idea of video games increasing creativity, the mashup will provide more of visual example of what is going on in the player’s head with the virtual and real world. With my website, I plan to have a layout that will introduce the subject and then have two other links that will have infographic animation and mashup (layout will most likely change as development continues).


Capstone Project – #Gamergate controversy

The #Gamergate movement, in August of 2014, started off as a movement by gamers demanding more transparency within video game journalism. The movement however, soon turned into a full blown cyber war with anonymous members of the movement resorting to using harassment methods such as doxing, threats of rape and death threats against members of the video game community who spoke out against the movement.  The gamergate movement has become a manifestation of a culture war over gaming culture diversification, artistic recognition, social criticism of video grams, and the gamer social identity.  Observers of the movement have described it as a movement that was started with a valid discussion regarding ethics in journalism that was hijacked and turned into a far right-wing, anti-feminist harassment group, who targeted mostly female figures in the gaming industry and of people who are socially critical of video games.Traditionally the video gaming community has been known to be a heavily male dominated community. Gamergate is reflective of concerns regarding sexism and progressivism in the video game culture.

The first approach to this project is to create an infographic image that will be used a timeline of sorts that will help visitors of the site understand how the movement started and what were some of the major events that resulted from the movements. The next part is to create an animated infographic video that will talk about what exactly is the gamergate movement and what are some of the major implications that resulted from the movement.’


Ryan Schafte Capstone Blog Post

To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers. That a game can aspire to artistic importance as a visual experience, I accept. But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic.

— Roger Ebert


When defining “art,” it is usually accepted that it has to be creatively made, and has some aesthetic beauty or emotional power behind it. Some, however, consider something “art” solely because it’s on a canvas, or on display. As such, sentiments like the one above are sadly prevalent. That is why for my project I will once more touch upon the topic of video-games as an art form, and challenge the bias which drives the notion that they are not.

This will be challenging, as I’ll have to find an approach different from what I’ve done previously. The plan thus far is to first create an infographic which lists various games and their contributions to the industry, or to storytelling as a whole. After coming up with the infographic, I will create a “mashup” using video capture software to obtain highlights from the games listed that have made an emotional impact on players, or were praised for their beauty and the level of skill required to develop them, so as to properly illustrate the concept of video-games as “art.”



Capstone Project – Abigail Hughes – MPAA Rating System

Originally a system founded on assisting parents with determining whether or not a movie is suitable for children, the MPAA has evolved into an oppressive, convoluted system. By restricting a film’s audience and decreasing its overall income. The system is inconsistent, bias and (at times) holds more of a strict tone towards movies that are independently funded. For example, the movie “Love Actually” was given an ‘R’ for its use of an “inappropriate” word. However, the same word has been used in countless other films more than once that have received a ‘PG-13’. In addition to this, it’s unclear as to what constitutes as an PG, R or PG-13 movie – as violence and language are both contributing factors but neither are measured in the same way. Debatably, this system no longer cares about protecting children from inappropriate movies and instead about maintaining a dominance over cinema.

It’s clear that either we must assert a new movie-rating-system or allow parents to gauge movies for themselves. Either way the MPAA cannot remain the way it is today.

To complete this project I am going to continue working on the animation though Adobe After Effects and place it under its own tab within the website. Then, I’m going to create downloadable wallpapers (formed in different sizes) for laptops and phones that pertain to my cause. I am also thinking of creating icons for each tab as to make the site’s background interactive.