Capstone Project – Reconstructing Politics

The focus of my Capstone Project will not be on the political viewpoint Pro Choice itself, but on how the expression of the belief can be freed from the stigmatism associated with it. The arguments (for and against) are becoming so overused that the debates are merely becoming more heated.

Personally, if I were to post on my own private Facebook page that I was Pro Choice, or that I had actually had an abortion, chaos would ensue. Most everyone knows the typical “Pro Life” assertions that would follow, so my project is an attempt at introducing an extremely emotionally charged topic in a fashion such that someone might be able to, in a way, remove him or herself from the viewpoint while at the same time expressing it.

I will first do this through an animated infographic created solely by myself, with audio narration utilizing the MS Word “Speak” function for presenting a Pro Choice argument. This removes the direct flood of argumentative thinking by shifting focus from the person presenting/sharing the video to the video itself, and doubly removes the content away from the personal through the narrator (a robotic voice) explaining she is only doing it because she is forced by the author.

Secondly, I will create a mash-up image file containing the most intriguing and heated arguments for and against abortion, including Creative Commons image sources displaying relevant content This allows a viewer to visualize and contextualize the same political topic in diverse ways.

Rupp Blog

For this project I will be completing a fully animated video using after effects as well as be creating a full sound file recording. The sound recording file will be a remix (music and sound effects) from various sources as well as my own voice which will be used in coordination with the after effects video. The subject material will be on the famous “Blitzkrieg” a term coined to explain the German tactics during World War II. Using after effect’s ability to convey pictures in an animated form I will be able to show the actual tactics in play. The audio will have sound effects as well as music that will be synchronized with the video. Both the text, visuals as well as my own voice will be there explain the base concepts of the Blitzkrieg. The two pieces will also explain the Allies strategies and why the Blitzkrieg was also very effective against their own strategies.

The overall goal is to explain something historical (as well as complex) in a fun, simplified and engaging way rather than just reading it. I also chose the historical subject of the “Blitzkrieg” because it’s a culturally known thing but is usually misunderstood. Officially Germany had no doctrine or strategy of this kind but it was rather a social and cultural reaction to early World War II German military effectiveness which is now historically called the “Blitzkrieg”.
