Capstone Project blog post: WA vaping regulations.

E-cigarettes have been under attack in many states in the US. This attack came to Washington with some of the harshest regulations in the nation. These bills (one senate, and one house) SB5573 and HB1564 have threatened those who use e-cigarettes with higher taxes (95%), reduced flavor selection, and banning online sales to any Washington resident, to name a few.

Many e-cigarette uses have switched over from smoking, even though e-cigarettes are not marketed as smoking cessation products. If these new regulations become a reality, it is entirely possible that many e-cigarette users will switch back to smoking.

The information that is out there needs to be sorted through. Figure out what you can, and learn for yourself what e-cigarettes are and how they work. Below are some resources to help inform the uninformed:

Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association

Blog Posts and Tweets-Riley Taylor

It is a common misconception that video games are an unhealthy habit for our children. People say that gamers are missing out on a social life, this is untrue as many games are multiplayer and require cooperative play. Sure its not necessarily face to face but they may in fact be more socially constructive than texting or social media. Another benefit of video games is cognitive. In controlled tests, people who played first person shooters showed “faster and more accurate attention allocation, higher spatial resolution in visual processing, and enhanced mental rotation abilities.” It also showed that their brains were more efficient. One of the biggest arguments against video games is that they cause children to be violent. Experts believe that violent video games in fact reflect our violent society rather than cause it, and that video games provide a space to work out emotions like anger, and generate positive feelings.


Concealed Campus

Hello there!

I believe in the importance of spreading awareness to those who have not yet educated themselves about what Students for Concealed Carry (SCC) are lobbying for.


Some believe that we’re advocating the right for anyone to carry a gun on campus.


SCC is advocating for those students and teachers who currently hold a legal concealed carry permit.

Obtaining a concealed carry permit, a background check is conducted on the individual by the county sheriff’s office.

This distinction is pivotal in understanding that I’m not advocating that everyone be permitted to carry concealed firearms on campus, but to allow those individuals who already protect themselves legally everyday also protect themselves legally on campus here at WSU-V.

The current regulations prohibit lawful concealed carry at WSU-V, and I’m admonishing all to help in sustaining the constitution here at WSU-V.

Here are some Common Arguments.

Breed Specific Legislation by Kelsey Linker

For my capstone project I have chosen to discuss breed specific legislation. Breed specific legislation is defined as a law passed by legislative body pertaining to a specific breed or breeds of domesticated animals. As of today there are twenty-eight different breeds of dogs that jurisdictions have either banned or put discriminatory restrictions on. Also any mix of these twenty-eight dog breeds will also have restrictions. Through my research I have found no evidence that proves BSL to be effective! Studies prove that there hasn’t been a change in the number of dog-bite related injuries since BSL has been in place. Also studies show that BSL is costly, penalizes responsible pet owners, and diverts resources. Dog is supposed to be mans best friend, when did that change?


Image result for breed specific legislation

More information can be found here:




Elijah Pavenko Capstone

Ukraine in Crisis

The crisis began as a protest against the government dropping plans to build closer trade ties with the European Union, and has since caused escalating tensions between Russia and Western powers. This crisis stems from poor governance, heavy reliance on Russia, and sharp differences between Ukraine’s linguistically, religiously, and ethnically distinct eastern and western regions. Former President Viktor Yanukovich signaled agreement with the EU on a trade association agreement, but he dropped those plans seemingly overnight because of pressure from Russia, which provoked major riots. How I see it, Ukraine would benefit more from signing with the EACU rather than EU because of their significant reliance on Russia for gas, and being its largest export client.

More information can be found here:

Barbaric Fishing Practices Destroying our Oceans

I chose, for my Capstone Project, to express my views on the damages that the commercial fishing industry has done to the ocean. After having spent a few seasons on various fishing vessels, I was shocked by the numerous sea creatures that fell prey to these careless practices, regardless of “innovations” in the equipment used, the numbers were still exponential. This wasn’t limited to only aquatic sea life either. Even avian sea life is drawn into the fold, as they follow the ships to feed off the catch. Often only to be injured and fall into the sea too drown.

gnarly narwhal

Check out these links to learn a little more of the damages done.


Import Laws in the US

JDM imports

Importing cars in to the US has always been a huge deal. US customs, working in part with the US department of motor vehicles have tried their hardest to prevent people from importing cars. In the US there is a huge demand for foreign cars that were not originally designed for the US market. These cars are mainly Japanese, and have created a cult following for themselves. Currently the import law in the US has a 25 year age limit. Our neighbors up in Canada have a 15 year age limit. I am supporting the cause to help bring down the age limit for imported cars into the US down to 15 years.



Import Laws into the US

Import Process

My Twitter

The Fate of Captive Orcas

My project is on the controversial topic of whales and orcas being help in captivity. There are many reasons why these amazing creatures should not be help in captivity, the first being that these are whales that when living in the wild, are swimming for up to or around 100 miles a day. At parks such as SeaWorld, they are being kept in pools that are like bathtubs to them. Also, not only has there been many deaths of trainers that have been covered up by SeaWorld, but gruesome deaths of the whales themselves.

Here is a list of a few more reasons why whales should not be kept in captivity:

  • Premature Deaths
  • Social problems between whales
  • Inadequate diet
  • Numerous safety hazards for  whales AND trainers
  • Misleading the Public


Check out this Link for more info:
