Capstone Project Proposal – Clean Water Access

For my capstone project, I want to address lack of water access or clean water that still exists today. I want to give a few specific examples from the United States and Africa. Using these comparisons I will show that no matter where you live in the world we are currently experiencing lack of water resources as well as lack of access to clean water. This is both social and sometimes wrongly assumed cultural problem because some people assume that the water crisis only happen in an underdeveloped nation.

For this I will be using an infographic and a remixed video. I want to use the remixed video to show clips and draw attention to this issue while including some information but mostly drawing people into the issue by experiencing it through emotion. I want to remix clips of past water crisis, prevention ideas that have been used in the past and focus in on the people and how it impacts them.

I will then use my infographic to display more facts and information needed for the viewer to draw their own conclusion about the water crisis and possibly what they can do. This will include facts on South Africa’s water shortage, Flint, Michigan water crisis and a few others while listing what can be done through use of graphics. I really want to create for of a picture and design infographic with minimal text that still communicates the point. I believe it will draw more people in.

Capstone Project Proposal – Opioid Epidemic

For this Capstone Project, I will be focusing on United states opioid abuse. Opioid can be either plant base (like heroin) or synthetically made (like painkiller Oxycontin). Opioids stop pain from activating a part our brains. Also, it will temporarily releases a chemical called dopamine (is released when good things happen, this chemical is used to teach us to keep seeking out good things).I will be focusing on the synthetic versions of opioid abuse. Statistics show that over recent years there has been an increase of opioid overdoses still in America. Even with a decreased in prescriptions in the abuse of opioids is still strong.

The first media I will use is an infographic. I want to use this infographic to showcase data and statistics found on opioid abuse/overdose. The imagery in this infographic will be silhouettes, medical Rx bottles, and pills. I want to keep the images minimal to represent that addiction is not prejudice and it can anyone.
The second media I will use is an remix. In the remix showcase what an opioid addiction is like. My goal for the remix will be to evoke an emotional response (hopefully from the audience). I may use somber music to set a tone and perhaps ted talks about the the addiction and what it does.
Will reuse the same style of images, typography, and color pallet to tied my website, infographic, and remix together. In both of the infographic and remix I want to end it will resources on getting help for opioid addiction.






Capstone Project Proposal – Conflict Minerals

The topic of my capstone project is going to be about conflict minerals. Conflict minerals include tin and tungsten which are used in technology production. These minerals are mined using coerced and child labor, and the profits often fund militias. Workers are given very little pay and are put in very dangerous environments. To educate people on what conflict minerals are and what products use these minerals, I will make a website that has links to my two media objects, and a link to another website that explains possible ways to end the cycle. I want my website to have bold and contrasting colors so I will be using black, white, grey, and red as my color pallet.

The first media object embedded in my website will be an infographic file that educates readers on what conflict minerals are, and what products contain these minerals. I will make the infographic as a flow chart that depicts the process of how the minerals make it from the earth into our technology. I will use the colors brown, green, red, and grey, and include simple imagery along with each point in the process. The images will be minimalistic and white, much like the apple icons we discussed in class.

The second media object that I will be embedding is going to be a video mashup. This video mashup will be using videos that depict people using technology, footage of African militias, the unsafe mines, and the manufacturing of technology. I will create a story with these videos that shows how so many people are unaware of the violence and human rights violations that go into making the products people use every day. My goal in making this video is to educate people and propose the question of how we can stop the mining of conflict minerals. The end of the video will include a link to Intel’s website here that includes their summary of conflict minerals and how they are one company that has taken measures to stop the cycle. I will embed this link to Intel’s website inside my webpage to give viewers a chance to gain additional information.

Inside my website I will include a couple paragraphs of text that summarize what the infographic and video remixes are conveying. These paragraphs will explain what conflict minerals are, why they are a bad thing, and what products these minerals are in. My goal in creating this project is to inform people about conflict minerals, and to raise the question about what ways we can stop the cycle. I will include a summary of Intel’s solution to the problem, and I will cite them at the bottom of my webpage along with all other material used in my projects.

Capstone Project Proposal – Life On Mars

Here is my sample Capstone Proposal.

For my Capstone Project, I will be focusing my project on the topic of the possibility of life on Mars. As a huge believer in the possibility of life out there in the universe, I am fairly certain that this topic will entertain my interest for a good while (at least until the end of the semester).
For this project, I plan to create an infographic detailing current facts and information regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which would likely include imagery involving the red planet itself, as well as some space themed imagery as well. Not only that, but I also intend to create a remixed video in which someone is giving a speech about the possibility of life on Mars, while space and Mars related imagery plays. My hope with this video is that it inspires others and persuades them that Mars exploration can and should be continued (especially where life is involved).
In doing these two projects, my hope is that the infographic would inform the user about the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars, and perhaps offering little known facts that could change the way in which one sees the red planet. While the remixed video will inspire and move people in a way that forces encourages them to support future space exploration regarding life on Mars. In a way, both projects would ideally complement each other with one offering information and the other providing inspiration to the user. And in doing so, a balanced harmony and unity between the two would be formed.

Trade War and Tariffs

For my topic I plan on talking about the tariffs that were put on Canada, Mexico, and the UN on June 1 of adding a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum in an effort to renegotiate the NAFTA deal and to try to make trade more “fair” between the US and its allies. I particularly plan to go into the possible effects that this could lead the United States and its ally’s economy and the potential jobs losses. These will be in an effort to show how this is not the way to do business especially with one’s own allies for the many negative effects it will cause if these tariffs hold for an extended period of time.
To do this I plan on making an animated infographic and a remix video. They will work well with one another as the animated infographic will be a short way of informing people on what a tariff is and how it can affect them as a consumer and or as a corporation. The infographic will be more of setting up the scene for the remix video so I don’t have to add that much background to the remix video. While the remix video will focus on the current news feeds and what has happened after the steel tariff were placed on US allies and how the countries affected by these tariffs are retaliating to fight against this loss in economic stance causing for looks like a trade war.

Chocolate and the Brain

For my project, I plan on focusing on the effects of chocolate on the brain. Eating has been viewed as one the most powerful motivators today. Whether its heart healthy food or junk food. If it appeals to their taste then it’ll be eaten. For most people, you find that junk food, more specifically chocolate, is enjoyed more than others. Which is why I plan on creating a website to enlighten others about the thing they love most. Today, chocolate is used with almost every consumable product available from ice cream to strawberries. Chocolate was not always as popular as it is now. It wasn’t until the 19th century that people started enjoying it as a sweet. It was first served as medicine and as an alcoholic beverage before they added a sweetener to it. Today, people have competitions in seeing who can best identify the type of wine before them, but more interestingly they have chocolate competitions in which contestants try and identify the amount of cocoa present along with other flavors. Eating chocolate can chemically make someone happier. I plan on using this information in forming a video mix to show a brief impact on the different types of the brain that chocolate effects. Also, I plan on making an info graphic showing the parts of a coco bean. After all, chocolate comes from a plant. We have all experienced how this bean can bring a smile to everyone’s face. And its good to know what you’re eating.

Mobile payment impacts to American society

In this Capstone project, I will talk about the how mobile payment makes a big impact on American people. I will list all the benefits that mobile payments are getting so popular right now and explain why people currently prefer to use mobile payment application to pay their bills instead of the traditional payment through bank company in the past. I will do Infographic file (at least 1400 x 800 pixels) & Remixed video (2-2:30 mins. long) to lead all the audiences to understand how mobile payment work and why it has potential to become the best payment solution in the future.

The reason why I choose this topic because mobile payment is a method of making purchases through mobile devices such as smartphones. It is based on the concept of a non-coin-based currency system similar to credit and debit cards. Mobile payment is increasingly used throughout the world, especially in Asia, Europe, and the United States. This new payment system is going to be the most widely used form of purchasing goods because of the benefits they bring to users. Those benefits include saving time and money, good security, improving an image of the company, etc.

This is an interesting topic for me because I am Computer Science major and I really like any topic that related to technology and society. Nowadays, people in American almost have one smartphone and that is the main point to develop more application in a mobile phone to make our life easier. Though me Capstone project, I hope people will understand how to use mobile payment in your life and why we should consider using this payment solution in modern life.

The Fight for $15 Minimum Wage

For my Capstone project, I’ll be using a remixed video and animated infographic to present the case for the raising of the United States Federal minimum wage. The topic is too complex to boil down into one infographic so I felt that an animated one could prove to be more encompassing on skimming across several ideas to put them all together, and a remixed video that included the hard work people do in what’s considered “no skilled” minimum wage jobs would be prove to be the most effective form of getting the point across that minimum wage needs to be a living wage.

I chose this topic since it effects all of us, even the people who don’t make the bare minimum of what the federal law tells states and employers what they’re required to pay people for their time. There’s a lot of misconceptions surrounding minimum wage, including the idea that workers always have the ability to “climb the ladder” or how all minimum wage jobs are meant for teenagers.

If all of minimum wage jobs were meant to be for teenagers in high school, then staple fast food chains wouldn’t have 24-hour drive through. In fact, you wouldn’t have any workers at cashiers, movie theaters, or a host/hostess at restaurants during school period time frames or into the night.

The minimum wage was instituted by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1938 and was done with the intention of producing a decent, living wage for workers as, and I quote, “It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”