The Controversy of Animal Testing

Testing products of any sort on animals is wrong. Sadly, this goes on in thousands of companies, universities, medical labs, and more every day. Exact numbers aren’t available for the full extent of animals that tortured, because animals such as rats, mice, and birds don’t even get counted because of their lack of coverage under the Animal Welfare Act. PETA estimates the number of animals harmed every year to be over 100 million. Organizations such as the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Toxicology Program are just a few to name that test on animals.

Some of the neurotic effects this has on animals are:

  • Spinning in circles interminably
  • Biting themselves, yanking their hair out
  • Immense fear of humans
  • No living thing should have to feel this for the entirety of their life.



    Capstone Project Proposal–Animal Testing

    The topic I have chosen to write about is the controversy involving companies that test their cosmetics and human hygiene products on animals. I love animals and feel that this is a prominent issue that needs to be brought to light. Every year, more than 100 million animals become injured in some way, such as being poisoned, crippled, or burned in American labs every year.

    I’ll be making a web page to better inform people of how wrong it is to test on animals. Companies like Oxi Clean, Nair, Trojan Condoms, Aim Toothpaste, and Arm & Hammer all test on animals. This is wrong considering the fact that many of these products are loaded with chemicals.

    The two types of media I hope to use are a video collage and a collection of photos. In the video collage, I hope to use statistics and information to inform the viewer of the harmful effects of testing on animals. I hope to use a tone that grabs the reader’s attention and persuades with relevant and vital information.

    I feel that this is a subject that can be communicated with a lot of emotion, and I hope I’m able to draw the audience in with this somber subject.

    The photos I hope add to this emotional persuasion as well. I’m thinking I want a slide show of animals and brands that are using animals to test their products.

    Some of these products are ones that I feel shouldn’t necessarily be used on animals because of the fact that they are indeed harmful. US laboratories knowingly burn these animals just because they need to test their products. It’s wrong!