Project Proposal: The Benefit of Electric Cars

The subject for my Capstone Project will be on the benefits of the electric car. The two media objects I will complete for my project are the infographic and a remix video. The info graphic will illustrate the benefits of choosing an electric car over the traditional gas powered vehicle. I plan to compare and contrast the two ways of transportation using clear visuals and my own imagery. For the video remix I plan to create a political call to action using videos on the history and potential future of electric vehicles. I would like to highlight the attempt to end the electric car by the automotive industry. Showing in my video that innovation is being stifled I would like to paint a brighter future where we overcome greedy corporate America.

These two media objects relate to each other, the website, and my chosen subject matter in the way that they will all be centered around the politics of electric cars and the benefits of having electric cars over carbon emitting cars. Some subjects I will include involve politics, economics, the environment, and consumer satisfaction. I feel there is enough resources online that information will be readily available. The main hurdle I will have to overcome in to tie my infographic, remix, and website into a cohesive design. I want to create a video that stirs up emotion. I would also like a call to action for the infographic. My main goal is to promote electric vehicles and to reinforce the benefits to the world at large.