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About Mallory

DTC Major / English Minor. Concentration in Media Authoring. Editor in Chief at WSUV's Salmon Creek Journal.

Capstone Project Proposal – Major Cultural Shifts in the 1920s

For my capstone project, I would like to create a website concerning major cultural shifts of 1920s America. This site would be exploring how these societal turning points were connected to each other as well as examining some remnants of the decade that effect us even now, such as women gaining the right to vote.

I would like the website to be influenced by Art Deco yet still modern, so while it will be clearly ’20s-inspired the overall style will be very flat-style. I am still looking at color schemes, but so far I’m considering teal and/or gold, with black and charcoal text and accents.

For the first page, I plan to have my first media object, an animated infographic. This infographic will illuminate some major milestones of the 1920s, such as the start of the Prohibition, famous artistic works such as The Great Gatsby, and the 19th Amendment. I’d like the animation to cover lesser-known facts about generally well-known occurrences, in order to center the audience and not overwhelm them with information. This information would be repeated in text below the video as well in order to increase accessibility.

My second and third pages will be accessible through a top bar. The second page will focus on major artistic milestones of the ’20s, and will covers topics such as: new or evolving styles of music, writers, fashion, and visual art. I would like to include my second media object here, an infographic on different emerging art styles such as Art Deco, Cubism, and Surrealism.

For my third and final page, I would like to discuss important political occurrences of the ’20s, such as Prohibition, women gaining the vote, immigration restrictions, and presidents. Since I’ve already used my media objects, I would include some small illustrations so it isn’t just text.