Capstone Project – Mental Illness

Mason Miller – Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I’m going to be focusing on the topic of mental illness. I am going to make an infographic along with the remixed video.

For my infographic, I want to take a more analytical side, really focusing on the facts and statistics behind the subject. I will also make it more simplistic, as far as the overall design and aesthetic goes. I want the infographic to be easy to read and still be able to catch someone’s eye. It has to be something that people can easily look at, because the subject matter is serious and the infographic needs to relay the same message.

As far as my remixed video goes, I want it to be another side of mental illness. I don’t want it to be like a commercial or anything like that, but I want it to be something that makes people realize things about mental illness, and how to get help, or even just understanding that people aren’t alone with it. I want the video to be more expressive. I am going to make it so the videos and music that I mash together draw out a certain mood in people. I want it to make people feel. I want it to allow people who don’t go through things like that to be able to experience it in that way, and people that do to realize that other people feel the same way. 

Evelyn Smith Capstone: Wage Gap in the United States

The subject I have decided to cover for the Capstone Project is the Wage Gap in the United States. This issue is addressed on social media through #EqualPay. According to research by the Washington Post, the median salary for women working full-time is 80% of men’s median salary. If you apply that to the calendar, that means that for 10 weeks a year, women are basically working for free.

This is an important social issue that effects millions of women across the United States, amongst various fields of work. For instance, a report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that woman working in health care administration makes 22% less than their male counterparts for performing the same job. The same report cited research by the Economic Policy Institute that found that black women earn 65.3% of the wages that white men earn performing the same job. For Hispanic women, this percentage is around 57.6% the amount that white men earn.

To inform the audience about the issue, I will employ the use of two media objects. The first media object I will create is an infographic. This will be used to showcase data about the wage gap, and how it effects women differently by race and industry. This data will be shown using images, graphs, and charts. The infographic will include the #EqualPay, to prompt user engagement through social media.

The video remix is my second media object. I plan to remix clips of interviews/news reels of different wage gap stories and experiences, into one compilation. The video will provide the testimonial evidence to support the numerical evidence seen in the infographic.

Sources: AJC Article and Washington Post


Machine Learning and Big Data Capstone- Joscha Oswald

We are at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. It has been caused by our rapid technological jumps. A big part of these technological jumps are big data and machine learning.  This means the giant flow of information we create can be used to train computers to be able to compute more complicated tasks. The website I will create will present how these two fields big data and machine learning affect our society and can change our future.

The two media objects I will be using are an infographic and a remixed video. These will work to tell two stories of this new technological revolution. The infographic will provide facts and figures to show how relevant and important this technology is. It will work to show the power and ubiquitous of machine learning and big data. It explores the rational side of the topic.  The remixed video will tell the story and possibilities of big data and machine learning, by showing experts and videos of what in our world will change. This will be the more emotional side of the information. These media objects work in together to show a complete picture of machine learning and big data.

Machine learning and big data already have big impacts on our society. For example, big data has put privacy on the brink. It will affect every part of our lives from our work to how we shop. Big data and machine learning will work together to drastically change our world. This website will work to explore this impact.






Capstone Project – Wealth Inequality

For my capstone project I’m going to discuss about the wealth inequality in America.

“In a 2011 study, Harvard business professor Mike Norton and economist Dan Ariely asked over 5,000 Americans how they thought wealth was distributed in the US, and what the ideal distribution looks like. Most participants were far from understanding the extent of income inequality, which is not surprising considering the incomprehensibly wide wealth gap that exists.” – 

The wealth inequality is an interesting topic that not much americans would like to think about. This fascinates me how the 1% owns most of americas wealth. This topic can be looked at in many ways but I will be arguing for it. I think their should be a change in this inequality in America. My goal is to stretch this idea out to others. My target audience will be mostly working adults but also someone who wants to hear a little about the truth. Overall I think this would be a great topic to look into more and inform others.

My two media objects will be an infographic and an animation. The infographic will include many statistics and facts. This will be much easier for the viewer to grasp information on the topic. It would be a great way to showcase the whole idea of the wealth Inequality in America. It would be a great way to represent all the information quickly. For my animation I will include a short video to showcase my topic. It will be entertaining and engaging.


African Clean Water Crisis

For my capstone project, I plan on discussing the clean drinking water crisis in Africa. In 2008, it was reported that roughly 5 million people in South Africa didn’t have access to water and 15 million didn’t have access to basic sanitation. As reported in 2015, 332 million people who live in Africa don’t have access to water as well. Not only do a lot of people struggle to access water in Africa, those who do are exposed to unclean water. This lack of unclean drinking water has a great impact on peoples’ health and well-being. Unclean drinking water and inadequate access to sanitation account for up to 80% of sicknesses in developing countries. Since women and young girls are most likely to be responsible for gathering water, the water crisis effects them the most. The lack of proper sanitation and clean water often leads to schools not having proper bathrooms and toilets, which causes many girls to drop out of school after puberty. The clean water crisis in Africa is a serious issue that concern everyone, not just the people it directly effects.

I plan on creating an infographic and mash-up video for my project. My infographic will include information about the water crisis in Africa and its effects on people who live in the continent. I want to create a mash-up video to avoid repeating information through an animated infographic. I’m going to use clips of people discussing how difficult it is for them to live without access to clean water. My website will include both of my media objects as well as a page of resources for people who want to learn more about the issue or want to help find solutions.

Sleep Deprivation

For my capstone project, I will be focusing on the importance of sleep and how it affects your overall well being and health. I chose to discuss the importance of sleep because I personally never get enough sleep. As I was looking for topics to base my project on, I found it interesting that sleep deprivation is actually a lot more then just missing out on a few hours of sleep. In fact, sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, insomnia, stress and even depression. Within my capstone project, I will be highlighting various sleep facts and why sleep is so important in a re-edited and remixed video. If I can’t find more than one good video to showcase, I plan on creating an animation of some sort instead to replace the remixed video. I will also be creating an infografic through adobe illustrator that presents the importance of good sleep hygiene and the benefits of getting enough sleep each night. Although sleep deprivation is my main focus, I plan on discussing everything sleep related considering my topic is the importance of sleep and not just sleep deprivation.

Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I decided the topic I would focus on will be homelessness. I chose this topic because living so close to Portland,I have grown up around seeing many homeless people, sometimes a whole block of them. I  also chose this topic because of the charities that help the homeless, whether it be with food, shelter, donating toiletries, or even charities that provide “makeovers” for homeless people have always interested me and I am excited to really research it for the project. Homelessness is also both a social and cultural topic because many people and many cultures view being homeless differently. I plan to create an info-graphic and a mashup video that show the statistics of homeless people in the US and close to our home, Portland. The info-graphic will provide many facts about homelessness, including what percentage have had jobs before, the average age rage, and how many plan to get back on their feet one day. The info-graphic will also answer common questions about the homeless. The mashup video will provide an inside look into the lives of homeless people. The mashup will also give new perspectives to the audience about what homeless people experience in their everyday life, and the struggles and thoughts they go through daily. Both of my chosen medias relate to my website because they will be showing facts and truths behind homelessness. My website will be focused on getting the audience to view homelessness differently and also giving them ways to help.

Alcoholism and its affect on families

I’m going to be focusing my capstone project on alcoholism. More specifically on the effects parental alcoholism can have on a family & friends – how spouses and children are impacted. This is something that affects a large amount of the population and something that I feel needs to be addressed – especially with the growing amount of binge drinking happening in college environments. This project will also be a closer look at recovery rates, things to be on the lookout for when suspecting someone is going down a slippery slope, and how to help a recovering addict.

I would like to present the statistics on how alcoholism can have a huge impact on a child – mentally, physically, and emotionally. How and alcoholic can affect friends’ and family’s lives. As well as how much of a detriment it can be for the actual person experiencing alcoholism. As a society, we often forget the looming possibility of addiction that alcoholism can present. In the days of brew fest and wine tastings, it’s really easy to indulge and just as easy to push away symptoms of something more sinister.

One of my 2 medias will be an infographic that break down the facts about alcoholism: how many alcoholics there are in the U.S., how often they go to treatment, rates of recovery, etc. as well as how the side effects and symptoms of alcoholism. The second will be a mashup of videos that look at alcoholism further – recovery videos, people talking about things they did while drunk, friends & family members effected by alcoholism.