Cap. Project Single parenting

My subject matter for my Capstone Project will be single parents more specifically single moms. How to be successful and not to live within the limits put on us by society. As a single mom myself and raising 2 amazing little boys, I want to focus on the positives, the successes and courage it takes to do it.

“A single parent, sometimes called a solo parent, is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver, meaning the parent the children have residency with the majority of the time.”
No one signs up to be a single parent, it’s exhausting and probably the toughest job you will ever have. It is also the most rewarding. That you can do it just as well as a 2 parent family, just differently. Single moms are strong, can be successful but we need to surround ourselves with the right support networks and we need to educate ourselves. I am wanting to point out the myths and out of date way of thinking and how you don’t have to live within that box. If you are put into a position to be a single mom it’s not the end of the world. It may be a little more challenging, exhausting (did I already say that?) but it is doable. Your children can and will grow up strong, confident and successful adults, you just have to be willing to do the work.

I plan to create website/ blog of some sort. I want it to be a place for resources, encouragement and empowerment. I also want to either do a mashup video (if I can find enough content) or an animation. I haven’t fully decided as it will depend on my angle. I am still tossing this around in my head a little. I feel like this topic is pretty broad and I may need to simplify it a little more.

Binge Viewing

For my Capstone project I will be focusing my efforts on how binge viewing is changing television and entertainment. Binge viewing is a recent phenomenon that has emerged thanks to increased high speed internet access and services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and even YouTube. Binge viewing is often classified as watching at least 2 episodes of the same show back to back, but this number is normally much higher. It can sometimes be defined as watching multiple series back to back, especially when it comes to media that is much shorter than a traditional television show such as on YouTube. Since binge viewing has become the popular and even preferred option, the television industry has been in a period of massive adaptation to keep up with changing interests and demands. Everything from the type of shows being produced, to the way the shows are written, and the numbers of episodes per season, are being revamped in order to appeal to a new audience of viewers. Have you ever wondered how or why streaming services continuously create and develop shows that are instant hits?

In order to convey all of this information, I am going to create a series of infographics highlighting the changes, and growing pains, that this industry is currently experiencing. I think a small series will help highlight the different changes that are happening that do not necessarily relate to each other, as well as separate the different services and what they are specifically doing themselves. For my second choice, I am going to create a video remix that captures the different feelings we get through the act of binge viewing.

The Covered Bridges of Oregon

The Covered Bridges of Oregon

In every healthy culture there are words and artifacts that are kept, or held over from the past. They are like mile stones that identify the distance that the changes in everyday life have made over time. Whether the held over words or artifacts as small as buttons or as large as buildings they are all archaisms. Small and medium sized objects can be stored and displayed in shadowboxes on the wall or in cases in museums. Larger objects such a buildings cannot be collected into one place but have to be visited.

First descriptions of covered bridges date from the 14th century. They are made of trusses, wooden beams, attached together to form triangles that have proved effective in supporting traffic over travel hazards including rivers and gullies. This effective support configuration is protected from weather by being covered with siding and a roof, thus providing the reason for the name of this distinctive bridge.

Oregon is blessed in that there are a number of preserved covered bridges within a short distance from I-5 between the Cascade Mountains and the Pacific Coast including the Coastal Range heights. The fact that these structures were needed and continued use much later in time has allowed them to exist until restoration and preservation groups could gather to ensure their continued maintenance.

I will construction of a histograph of several covered bridges along the I-5 through Oregon state and a short video of how the structures were built.

Brianna Rizzi Capstone Project

My capstone will cover the subject of the accidents and health problem stemming from using smartphones too long. Technology has come a long way from being too expensive to be a household product to easy access from the palm of your hand. This advancement in human technology, although great, it comes with the bad (the saying “too much of a good thing can become bad” comes to mind). Some people become so obsessed with their smartphones that they can’t seem to keep away from them for a long period of time, even leading to mental/physical issues and accidents. Accidents include bikers texting while on their motorcycles (this includes drivers and bicycle riders), people walking while glued to their screens and dropping phones on their face while reading in bed. Using smartphones too much for too long can cause eye problems that potentially leads to blindness, to a condition where excessive use of smart devices can lead to pains to the wrists and hands and even problems to our neck and spine.

I’m going to make an animation, maybe a character that gets into similar situations as those who get into smartphone related accidents, along with texts that show percentages of accidents that happen. I’ll also add in an info-graphic file that show these situations, physical and mental (social too?). Info-graphic will be more informational than the animation, the animation will just show examples of these issues that come from excessive use of smartphones, which will tie in with the whole theme of the website that will center around my subject.

Capstone Project: Student debt crisis

My capstone project is on student debt crisis in the U.S.
Students at Washington state university and throughout many colleges and universities across the country suffer with loan problems. Tuition has sky rocketed from a few years ago causing more students to take out loans. According to the Economist student debt exceeded $1.2trilion in 2014. The direction I decided to follow is to answers the following questions in my project: Does the amount of money students spend on their tuition go back into their pockets? Why is student debt a major problem in the country? What can we do to solve this problem? And what are countries with tuition-free universities doing that we can replicate? My goal is to use some comparison and contrast methods on how much our degrees matter, as well as include statistics to show the effect and consequences of student debt in the long run. I chose this subject because it is a relevant issue in our everyday lives as students and after college. The two media objects I will include in my project are: a continuity video montage and an infographic file. I will incorporate designs and remixes of different files to help visually represent data. Probably add a short video of personal stories with student debt. In addition add a timeline graph to show the trend with tuition increase in the United States. I believe the use of these media relate to each other as it will help better explain the subject matter.

Capstone Intro

The topic I plan to address for my capstone project is the orphan crisis in China. Hand in hand with that, I will address the need for adoption. I am interested in this topic because I’ve been on a few missionary trips and developed a heart for connecting these kids to families and giving them hope through advocacy. I really got to know more about how adoption works and heard countless stories of these Chinese orphans since starting my internship at Bring Me Hope, which I also plan on using for this project as a major resource.

I want my website to take the direction of an informative piece that talks about hard things like abandoned children waiting for families. Even more so as a call to action. The call to action that I hope will get people involved will be to spread awareness though their social media, invite them to volunteer at orphan summer camps, to host a child at their own home, to financially support a child to go to camp, and finally to actually adopt. I plan on approaching this cause from two sides. One is from the reader/viewer and what they could do and the other is from the orphan’s perspective.

The two medias I will use are a video I will make are an infographic video as well as pictures of the orphans. These medias relate to each other because in the video I will address the issues, and state facts. With pictures I will show the kids that are effected by them.