Emily Field Capstone Project

The topic I’ve chosen is fairly open and not overly controversial, although there are subtopics within it that do tend to be controversial. For example, there is currently a trend of “No Poo”- short for “No Shampoo” and people are choosing to replace their shampoo with other household products like Baking Soda and Vinegar. Personally, I’ve learned that professional shampoos are designed for your hair with a pH balance that matches that of your hair to keep it healthy and moisturized. I would never replace my shampoo for something like Baking Soda and Vinegar that will strip your hair of natural oils and seems extremely damaging. See this link for more info about “No Poo” and some healthier alternatives:

Does the “No ‘Poo Method” Damage Hair?


In regards to hair color trends, I found this article interesting about Balayage and it’s transition into popularity:


Here’s an example of a natural toned Balayage:

Hair coloration ideas for brunettes








Caylah’s Second Blog Post


One big topic and issue right now is body image. While some people are pounding weights at the gym and eating the nutrients their bodies need, some people are beginning to look at alternative ways to contour their bodies, such as body wraps or weight loss shakes or pills. All in all, people are trying to shape their bodies to have them the way they want, however which ways work and which ways “work?” Which ways are actually healthier and which ways are just short cuts that shouldn’t be considered or spent time wasting?


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Are you too chicken for chickens?

We’ve all seen the horrors of animal mills, diseased chickens with broken legs, featherless and dying. Many of us still enjoy eating meat, despite the unhealthy medicated and hormone-infused production. Raising your own is really not difficult at all, and you have all the control for their health. Even a small flock of five or less will keep you in eggs for very little cost. And you will enjoy knowing your food had a great life prior to your plate. There are also many different breeds that are just gorgeous, bright shiny feathers, long feathers, even half bald if you choose.

More info:

How to Raise Backyard Chickens



Kelsey Linker: assignment 18

For my capstone project I plan on expanding on my breed specific legislation info graphic project. Through this project I want to go in depth on why breed specific legislation is bad as well as how many beautiful dogs it effects. Through my project I will show how breed specific legislation has a huge impact on shelters around the United States, as well as how many families are effected personally. I will use my Breed Specific Legislation info graphic as one of my media options. As for my second media option I plan on making a video mash up of specific rules and regulations that go hand in hand with Breed specific legislation guidelines.
I feel that it is important for people to know that discrimination doesn’t stop with people, but it also effects different breeds of dogs. I think that if people were educated about breed specific legislation that we can end discrimination against certain dog breeds. In my opinion we are blaming the wrong end of the leash. Hopefully by the end of this project I will not be the only person that feels this way.

Angelique’s Capstone Project

Education is power
A good portion of the population in the United States has been a victim of or culprit to cyberbullying. This problem has been found across many social networking platforms, but content on Twitter tends to go viral faster. People have attempted to counter this by using public shaming as a way to deter the offender posting abusive content. Since we cannot force platforms, such as Twitter, to police the matter or restrict people’s freedom of speech something else must be done. A potentially better way of taking a preemptive strike would be to give secondary and primary school children a course on what is acceptable (and why) on social media, primarily Twitter. This might help them make well informed decisions about it later in life.

More Information:
Mashables- Unacceptable Things to post
Business Times- What Employers look at

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Curt Rice: Capstone project


The health care provided by the Veterans Affairs has been under scrutiny for some time now, and it is commonly associated with poor and inefficient service.  Veterans are going anywhere from six months to two years or more just to get an appointment, let alone be compensated or treated accordingly.  Even once these Veterans are being treated, the care is poorly executed and frequently ineffective.  This leads many veterans to seek self-medication through illegal drugs as well as high rates of veteran suicide.

Veteran care needs to be completely overhauled and reconsidered.  Most VA programs are complicated and unknown to veterans, with many programs having specific time frames to act on that most veterans are not aware of.  A large amount of these programs are only usable immediately around the end of active service time frame, which is already an immersive and stressful time for veterans as they adjust back to civilian life.  Many programs such as the Wounded Warrior Program are out there doing great work and truly reaching out to active military as well as veterans.  If smaller, donation driven programs can provide excellent care, why cannot the massively funded Veterans Affairs system do so as well?

More info:

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Mike Ross Capstone Project

What I plan on doing for my capstone project is the evolution of Batman as a social icon. There are many forms of Batman that have evolved over time and he has fit in with the culture going back as far as sixty years ago. He has encountered cultural icons good and evil such as Hitler, Predator, and even Robin Hood. The many lives of Batman has gone from him protecting Gotham to fighting in the war. Batman has also evolved in his rules, as before he would be able to kill criminals but now he has one rule which is not to kill anyone. He is the most popular super hero of all time and with no real super powers is an icon to this day with kids and adults all over.

I plan on using Adobe Premier to make a video of the evolution of Batman. I will have small movie clips of the Batman series from over time as well as interviews from Comic Book lovers such as people who own local comic book stores in the Vancouver Portland Area. I will interview other people as well asking why they like Batman the best and who Batman is to them. Most people now a days say Christian Bale but Adam West is always another one. I will also be using Adobe Photoshop to make a collage of the different Batmans and Batman symbols. Make a Website I will have my video embedded with the Photoshop picture as well. I will have about 3 navigation’s on my website. One for the video, One for the collage and One with the “About Batman” quick narrative.

Tyler Rundle: Assignment 18

For my capstone project I’m planning on researching the advantages kids have that have been introduced to coding vs kids who haven’t.  Along with the coding classes that are offered within the DTC program I’ve been introduced to C# through some of my MIS classes.  I have experienced a lot of benefits of learning different coding languages, especially since they are all tied together in one way or another.  There has recently been a lot of publicity towards this movement and I shouldn’t have any issues finding information regarding the advantages.

For my first media object I’m planning on designing an info graph illustrating the benefits of introducing code to kids at an early stage.  I have an idea of the specific design that I’m going to mock up.  I want it to be a time line explaining that there are more benefits introducing kids to code at an earlier age, and how it should be introduced into more public schools.

For my second media object I want to make an animated video with Adobe After Effects.  I didn’t really have the time to explore all of the features of After Effects with our last project; I know it’s a powerful tool.  I’m excited to make the website as well mainly because that’s what I have been focusing over the last couple years.  Not to sound corny, but coding is the future!

Nathan Oldenburg Assignment 18

For my capstone project I plan to use a short 2-minute long infographic / video, and an podcast like audio track to discuss the regulations of Electronic Cigarettes/Personal vaporizers that have been purposed in the state of Washington. For most people, e-cigarettes are hardly understood, thought to be much more dangerous than cigarettes, and marketed toward children (to name a few of the claims made by media and the uninformed).

What I plan to do in my project is explain just what the Washington regulations, if passed, will do to the vaping community. The regulations that are purposed have been said to be the toughest in the country, and there are quite a few people who rely on vaping to stay off tobacco cigarettes (analogs) themselves. If these regulations passed, the availability of vaping supplies would decrease and the amount of brick and mortar shops will close due to higher taxes and reduced business (also due to higher taxes). Luckily enough the bill for the house, or the senate, has not passed.

It is important I feel to have all the facts on what is happening in your community, and the media has been spreading false claims about the e-cigarette industry. My goal is to correctly inform those who want to know.

Advocating Legal Concealed Carry on Campus

The topic for which I will be making a video, and infographics for will be “The Advocacy of Legal Concealed Carry on WSU-V Campus”.

Lawful concealed carry itself can be a big controversy itself, but I will be focusing on legal concealed carry on WSU-V campus because it’s a local political and social issue.

For my main source, I will be referring to the website Students for Concealed Carry

There have been many universities that have allowed legal concealed carry, however, this is still a very controversial subject due to the widespread herd mentality that legal concealed carry isn’t safe.

I will attempt to address multiple arguments against legal concealed carry on campus including some of these:

  • Guns on campus would lead to an escalation in violent crime.
  • Guns on campus would lead to an increased number of suicides by college students.
  • Guns on campus would distract from the learning environment.
  • Colleges are too crowded to safely allow the carry of concealed weapons.
  • A person with a gun could “snap” and go on a killing spree.
  • A dangerous person might jump someone who is carrying a gun, take the gun, and use it to do harm.
  • Dorms are notoriously vulnerable to theft. It would be too easy for someone to steal an unattended firearm from a dorm.
  • It’s possible a gun might go off by accident.

I hope to include the advocacy for legal concealed carry.

While it’s legal for a concealed carry permit holder to protect himself or herself off campus, he or she must sacrifice their 2nd amendment rights upon enrolling in higher education.