Blog Post (“Skam”)

After reading “The NewYorker” article and actually finding a YouTube video explaining what Skam is. (fb page failed) “Skam” is incredible and is clever in finding a way to pull youth into a show with very little budget. By posting social posts from the characters the audience feels as if they are part of the conversation and that much closer to the characters and the drama. “A post would go up one week and see what the post meant in the following episode” according to the “The NewYorker”. It appears that the show has accomplished something that the industry has been struggling to do for a while and that is to keep people connected to the show even when they stop watching. Now I am just as connected as we are today that no one thought of this sooner.

Capstone Project Proposal – Web Accessibility

The topic I have chosen for my capstone project is Web Accessibility. The aim of Web Accessibility initiatives is to make websites and other digital media objects designed to remove barriers for people with disabilities or limitations. This aim is based on the core belief that Internet access and use of digital technology is a right, not a privilege, regardless of their ability.

My chosen media objects are an infographic and a remixed video. The infographic will focus on what the web accessibility initiative is and why it is important. The video will highlight how technology can be limiting, or how access can be made improved, for those with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, and visual disabilities.

The intent of these media objects is to inform and raise awareness for social inclusion regarding digital technology. They will also provide tips on how to implement web accessible design guidelines set by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Capstone Project Proposal – Homelessness in the US

For my Capstone Project I am going to be exploring the issues that homeless people face. Also my project will be about the demographic of homeless people and where homeless people live. I know that in large cities there is a higher rate of homelessness and we can see this especially around the areas we live, Portland and Seattle, where the homeless rates are raising. In my project I will also explore the affects that homelessness has on homeless adults and youth. There are many programs and volunteer work that help the homeless. Also I will be talking about the aid by the government to help the homeless population. I will especially dive into the major homeless problem in the near by city Portland Oregon and how that has affected the city and everyday living in that area. “As of January 2015, Multnomah County, which includes most of the city proper and all the city center, had 3,801 homeless people.” - . Almost everywhere you walk in downtown Portland you are bound to see homelessness and in certain areas the homeless population has set up camps consisting of tents, tarps and shopping carts. There are many reasons for the causes of homelessness, one big part of it is the rent increase and another is the major drug epidemic that has had terrible affects on the city of Portland. In Portland there is many programs and projects to help the homeless population like the Transitions Porjects, Oregon Food Bank, New Avenues for Youth and many more.