Capstone Project Proposal- Cellular System

My Capstone Project will be focusing on the affect cellular devices have had on human society. Throughout recent years, we have seen the improvement of consumer electronics to the point where they serve as all-in-one devices. Our lives have begun to revolve around these personal assistants, and I want to focus on and recognize these changes through both a video mashup and a short animation.

The video mashup will mainly showcase the evolution of handheld communication devices from just something in science fiction to an integral aspect of our lives. Much of it will include popular culture clips ranging from films the mid to late 20th century, all the way to present day. I would also like to insert some of my own captured film, in order to display our reliance on cellphones through real-life captures in city life.

As for the animation, I want that specifically to focus on general facts about cell phones, their usages, and ultimately as the main point, their effect on daily life. This will be somewhat similar to the animated infographic we completed earlier in the semester.

I believe this is an interesting and relevant concept in today’s age. What is the future of this technology? What is the logical next step from handheld communicators? We know that such progress will eventually take place, but I believe it’s important to restate these questions in new forms of media. Most if not all of these questions will be answered in my mashup video, where I will take to the streets, and using prior research I want to get the public’s opinion on how we use cellular devices.

Capstone Project – Computer Science History

Capstone Project – Computer Science History

Joshua Sedig

For my capstone project, I will be doing an infographic with a remixed video. The subject matter would be related to the evolution of computer science over the years.

I plan on using Illustrator for most of my infographic. The layout would be a vertical timeline for the history of computer science. The major events within computer science will be listed in order of date. I will be using colors that are easy to read with and don’t interfere with the information. the pictures will be simple and to the point.

The remixed video will be focused on the importance of computer science and will show many applications of it. I will show a lot of the important points in history where computer science had a large impact and how it has helped us progress. I will start simple at the start of the video and have it end on a large scale application. some of the topics I plan on covering are space exploration, Internet, and jobs.

Capstone Project- Life on Mars (Vanessa Casillas)

Life on Mars

For my Capstone Project, I will be focusing my project on the topic of the possibility of life on Mars. As a huge believer in the possibility of life out there in the universe, I am fairly certain that this topic will entertain my interest for a good while (at least until the end of the semester).

For this project, I plan to create an infographic detailing current facts and information regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which would likely include imagery involving the red planet itself, as well as some space themed imagery as well. Not only that, but I also intend to create a remixed video in which someone is giving a speech about the possibility of life on Mars, while space and Mars related imagery plays. My hope with this video is that it inspires others and persuades them that Mars exploration can and should be continued (especially where life is involved).

In doing these two projects, my hope is that the infographic would inform the user about the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars, and perhaps offering little known facts that could change the way in which one sees the red planet. While the remixed video will inspire and move people in a way that forces encourages them to support future space exploration regarding life on Mars. In a way, both projects would ideally complement each other with one offering information and the other providing inspiration to the user. And in doing so, a balanced harmony and unity between the two would be formed.

Capstone Project Proposal – Life On Mars

Here is my sample Capstone Proposal.

For my Capstone Project, I will be focusing my project on the topic of the possibility of life on Mars. As a huge believer in the possibility of life out there in the universe, I am fairly certain that this topic will entertain my interest for a good while (at least until the end of the semester).
For this project, I plan to create an infographic detailing current facts and information regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which would likely include imagery involving the red planet itself, as well as some space themed imagery as well. Not only that, but I also intend to create a remixed video in which someone is giving a speech about the possibility of life on Mars, while space and Mars related imagery plays. My hope with this video is that it inspires others and persuades them that Mars exploration can and should be continued (especially where life is involved).
In doing these two projects, my hope is that the infographic would inform the user about the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars, and perhaps offering little known facts that could change the way in which one sees the red planet. While the remixed video will inspire and move people in a way that forces encourages them to support future space exploration regarding life on Mars. In a way, both projects would ideally complement each other with one offering information and the other providing inspiration to the user. And in doing so, a balanced harmony and unity between the two would be formed.

Mobile payment impacts to American society

In this Capstone project, I will talk about the how mobile payment makes a big impact on American people. I will list all the benefits that mobile payments are getting so popular right now and explain why people currently prefer to use mobile payment application to pay their bills instead of the traditional payment through bank company in the past. I will do Infographic file (at least 1400 x 800 pixels) & Remixed video (2-2:30 mins. long) to lead all the audiences to understand how mobile payment work and why it has potential to become the best payment solution in the future.

The reason why I choose this topic because mobile payment is a method of making purchases through mobile devices such as smartphones. It is based on the concept of a non-coin-based currency system similar to credit and debit cards. Mobile payment is increasingly used throughout the world, especially in Asia, Europe, and the United States. This new payment system is going to be the most widely used form of purchasing goods because of the benefits they bring to users. Those benefits include saving time and money, good security, improving an image of the company, etc.

This is an interesting topic for me because I am Computer Science major and I really like any topic that related to technology and society. Nowadays, people in American almost have one smartphone and that is the main point to develop more application in a mobile phone to make our life easier. Though me Capstone project, I hope people will understand how to use mobile payment in your life and why we should consider using this payment solution in modern life.

The Fight for $15 Minimum Wage

For my Capstone project, I’ll be using a remixed video and animated infographic to present the case for the raising of the United States Federal minimum wage. The topic is too complex to boil down into one infographic so I felt that an animated one could prove to be more encompassing on skimming across several ideas to put them all together, and a remixed video that included the hard work people do in what’s considered “no skilled” minimum wage jobs would be prove to be the most effective form of getting the point across that minimum wage needs to be a living wage.

I chose this topic since it effects all of us, even the people who don’t make the bare minimum of what the federal law tells states and employers what they’re required to pay people for their time. There’s a lot of misconceptions surrounding minimum wage, including the idea that workers always have the ability to “climb the ladder” or how all minimum wage jobs are meant for teenagers.

If all of minimum wage jobs were meant to be for teenagers in high school, then staple fast food chains wouldn’t have 24-hour drive through. In fact, you wouldn’t have any workers at cashiers, movie theaters, or a host/hostess at restaurants during school period time frames or into the night.

The minimum wage was instituted by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1938 and was done with the intention of producing a decent, living wage for workers as, and I quote, “It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”

Eric Floyd – Tweets

Tweets: @efloyd_dtc201

Video Game Ratings:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Video Game Ratings: <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 6, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Video Game Violence Satyre:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”fr” dir=”ltr”>Video violence satire<a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 6, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Video Game Violence study:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Learn Liberty Study Voilence and video games. <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 6, 2017</a></blockquote>
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CBS Video games Violence Study:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>CBS Video on Video Games Violence <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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CNN Study Game Violence:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>CNN Video on Video Games Violence<a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Video Game Study: 

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Video Games and Violence<a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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10 worst Video Games:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>worst video games systems in history. <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Top 10 Years in Gaming History:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>This is a col timeline of the best video games. <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Eric Floyd (@efloyd_dtc201) <a href=””>November 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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DTC Capstone Project

My Capstone project will focus on the history of Video Games and the collation of violence in America.

The main objects this will focus on are the following:

  1. Quick history of video games.
    1. Best and worst games in history.
    2. Evaluation of video games.
  1. History of the evolution of violence in video games.
    1. Growth of violence in video games.
    2. Society’s response to violence in games.
    3. Government’s response to violent games.
    4. Scientific studies corresponding to the violence of the games.
  1. Rating System for Video Games.
    1. Show the infographic (maybe animated) on the rating and what they represent.
    2. Show a video compilation of the above-mentioned subject.


The objective of this Capstone is to give the viewer a comprehensive view of the history of violence, the effect on society/users and how society had dealt with it.

Social Media, Fake News, and Russia Meddling – Capstone Project

Social Media, Fake News, and Russia Meddling – Capstone Project

Recently, it was discovered that Russia used social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to cause division among Americans and influence the 2016 presidential election. This was carried out through the use of Russian created computer bots that would create fake news pages that would then seek out individuals who would be susceptible to the content. Due to the lack of fact-checking and quality insurance on many of the social media sites, fake news has become an epidemic. Combine that with the fact that two-thirds of US adults now get their news from social media, thus leading to highly problematic results. The amount of fake news that plagues Facebook is incredibly alarming, with 470 accounts linked to Russia. Furthermore, it was estimated by Facebook that over 126 million people were served content from these Russian linked pages. Twitter found similar results, finding 2,752 accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency, which is the phony agency that was creating the fake news. Overall these accounts posted 131,000 tweets in a period from September to October in 2016. The main goal of this Russian effort was to instill division in America. This was done by creating fake news stories that were about some controversial issue and then have it reach individuals that would with either agree or disagree with its content. This can be highly dangerous because if someone already has an extreme stance on an issue they could see content that would just reinforce their beliefs. For this reason, it’s incredibly important for there to be more transparency on social media, and also fact checking on news posts.