Capstone Project: Fair Trade Clothing

My capstone project will be on fair trade sewing and the ethical treatment of foreign sewing workers. Have you ever wondered why you are able to go to a store and buy a shirt for, sometimes, less then $5? or maybe there is a BOGO or a large clearance on items? How exactly is it possible to gather all that fabric, get the shirt designed, then sewn, packaged, and shipped across the world, and still only cost $5?  the truth is, there is a larger cost; a cost much greater then $5, and there are people out there in the world paying for that cost.  most companies today practice foreign clothing labor, due to its high economical value; however, by doing so, they are alienating and demoralizing humans around the globe.  certain companies today are staring to take a stand against this business practice.  by learning to value the clothing we buy, and by adopting a quality over quantity mindset, we can help create a sustainable living for the people who make the clothes that we often take for granted.

For this project, I will be making an infographic to demonstrate the benefits of fair trade clothing, and how it can still be a high grossing economical asset.  on top of that, I will create a remix video showing the current cruel state of “sweat shops”, and how we can benefit from adopting the fair trade culture. I will use references from companies like Patagonia and Everlane. these two media pieces will be housed on a custom website using WordPress.

Capstone: Metal Music Stereotypes

You know the moment when you make a new friend and decide to go out for coffee? You pick your friend up, they get in your car, and you crank up the tunes. The friend looks over at you and says “EW. You listen to screamo?” or “EW. You listen to death metal?” No matter how many times I introduce someone to the music I listen to, nine times out of ten these are the responses I get.

I feel like there is no other music genre that gets are stereotyped or as generalized as metal. While the outside world classifies all metal and “screamo” or “death metal,” true metal fans will tell you that these are just two genres of music that could be classified as metal. Much like country music has many different types like bluegrass, folk, modern country, and honky tonk, metal also has a large variety of different genres within the main metal genre. The differences between these genres can be extreme both in lyrical content and in instrumental makeup. Throwing every person that listens to metal into the screamo or death metal categories is like a slap in the face.

Metalheads are also subject to getting stereotyped for their appearance and lifestyle. When people envision metal concerts they envision a group of people dressed in all black, with thick black eyeliner, long grungy hair, piercings and tattoos all over the place. However, the reality is that most metal fans are no different than myself, a 28-year-old dad of a two year old who wears jeans and plain colored t-shirts 99.9% of the time and doesn’t have a single tattoo or piercing. I don’t do drugs, I am not gothic, I don’t worship the devil. I’m just your average guy, and I listen to metal.

For the reasons stated above I will be addressing some of the many metal stereotypes plaguing me and fellow metalheads.

Capstone Project – Jacob Martin

I’d like to complete my capstone project on the issue of the arts being defunded in some schools. A lot of schools first thought when having money issues is to get rid of the arts, but things like theater, music and art have a lot more use than just looking pretty or doing it as a hobby. I will most likely be creating an infograph and a remixed video for my project. I think the remix would be a good thing to use because I can get a lot of different news reports or interviews that show students and teachers talking about whats going on in schools, so that the audience would get information from people who have actually had it happen to them. My infograph will be more focused on the informational side of things, and will include graphs and charts to show how many schools have had to defund the arts. These will connect well together because the video will apply more to the person’s emotional side, and the infograph will appeal to the more logical side of a person. Since I’ll be hitting both of these points, I think I’ll be able to make a good impact on the person with my project. I haven’t fully decided on what my website will look like, but I think it would be cool to see if I could find some pieces of art from high school students to display as the pictures on my site. Not only does it apply to my topic but it takes it a step further by showing what art can do and why it’s important.

Sundwall Capstone

Elephants have been my favorite animal from a young age. Family members at a loss for birthday and Christmas gifts have been buying me elephant figurines for years. My childhood bedroom was decorated with pictures and stuffed animals of elephants. Naturally, the endangerment of Elephants is an issue that is close to my heart. For my capstone project I will be creating an infographic and animation to raise awareness of the endangerment of elephants. I have created a twitter account that posts elephants facts and links to relevant elephant conservation websites. Elephant endangerment is fueled by habitat loss, poaching, and elephant-human conflicts. Elephants are poached for their ivory, to create trinkets and sculptures, and their skin, to create salves and key chains. Elephants are losing their habitat to farming and infrastructure, and as their habitat is infringed upon, conflicts between elephants and humans increase. There are fewer than 50,000 asian elephants remaining in the wild, and 415,000 african elephants in the wild. Therefore, asian elephants are in greater danger of becoming extinct. My infographic will include general information on elephants, such as their 22 month gestation period, the longest of any mammal, and facts about the threats that elephants face in Asia and Africa. The infographic will also include information on conservation of elephants, and how the reader can help preserve these majestic creatures. I will then animate the infographic to create an informative video on the subject. Animations may include the elephants moving text with their trunks, and ears flapping.

My Capstone Project – Wyatt

My capstone project will cover the controversial issue of deforestation and the effects of deforestation on the environment. For this project I will try to get across all of the important information on this topic in the form of a remixed video and a custom infographic covering a few key topics on this growing issue.

Deforestation has quite a few ripple effects that impact us everyday. For example soil erosion, green house gas accumulation, and can even disrupt the earths water cycles. These effects can damage our way of life as we know it, if this problem is not addressed.

The remixed video I will be creating will go over all of the deforestation stages showing before and after footage of areas destroyed by deforestation. My infographic will go over more of the statistical information and provide accurate numbers in areas most effected by deforestation and what the specific impacts to those areas are.

Capstone Project – Saunders

My capstone project will discuss the growth of 3D printing in the last decade both as a cultural phenomenon and as a new tool used in design and manufacturing. In my infographic, I’ll go over the different types of 3D printing and the fundamentals behind them.

3D printing typically begins with a digital 3D model, which is then uploaded to a 3D printer. The 3D printer interprets the model and lays down material one layer at a time until a full 3-dimensional part is completed.

The two types of media I will be using include an infographic and a video. The infographic will briefly cover the mechanics and principles behind how 3D printing works, the advantages, the challenges, and so forth. The video will explore how 3D printing is being applied in the world today by companies and by individuals.

PTSD and Mild TBI in returning soldiers

America has been at war for 14 years. The longest sustained engagement on foreign soil in the history of America. For my capstone project I will be exploring and discussing the resulting diagnosis of PTSD and TBI related injuries on American soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. I will be discussing the unintended consequences of PTSD and Traumatic Brain injuries in these technology driven wars and combat zones. I will be constructing a video and an info graphic of pictures of my personal experiences and those of my Platoon members of our time in Iraq and the city of Baghdad in 2004.
There have been roughly 1 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines that have been deployed to Afghanistan, and or Iraq over the last decade and a half, many on multiple tours. The resulting diagnosis and mental health condition of these service members is extremely high. Higher than projected before the wars and increasingly higher than the Veterans Administration ever intended or prepared for. The Department of Defense has estimated that 22% of all combat casualties are brain and mental health injuries. This compared to 12% of all combat related injures of the Vietnam War. It is also estimated that 60% to 80% of all blast injuries resulted in traumatic brain injuries (TBI) The unique combat climate of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well as the IED and close quarter combat experiences have lead to larger PTSD related stressors on soldiers.



Factory Farming

A factory farm is a large-scale industrial operation that houses thousands of animals raised for food—such as chickens, turkeys, cows, and pigs—and treats them with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease and maximize their growth and food output. Factory farming is not only inhumane to the animals, it is harmful to our environment. This is why I have chosen to bring awareness to this topic through my capstone project. Egg-laying hens are sometimes starved for up to 14 days, exposed to changing light patterns and given no water in order to shock their bodies into molting. It’s common for 5% to 10% of hens to die during the forced molting process. Animals are fed corn, wheat and soy that are grown through intensive industrial farming that use large amounts of pesticides, which can remain in their bodies and are passed on to the people who eat them, creating serious health hazards in humans. I understand that with our population growing at an outrageous rate farming practices have had to change, but A typical supermarket chicken today contains more than twice the fat, and about a third less protein than 40 years ago. Farming practices have spiraled out of control to feed our population. The environment is being damaged as well. Hog, chicken and cattle waste has polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states and contaminated groundwater in 17 states. If we don’t change our eating habits and how we get our food, we are facing impending doom.

Racial Profiling: Capstone Project

Capstone Project- Lylliana Gurrola

For my capstone project I will be looking at racial profiling as a social and cultural topic. Today in society many darker pigmented individuals are killed, judged, or hindered from certain opportunities based on their race. There is more forced used by officers based on race and how patient or understanding of the situation they are. The subject matter I will be enclosing on will be police brutality and the stop and frisking of how often darker people like Mexicans or blacks get stopped vs. lighter colored individuals or whites. And how often certain races are accused for weapons, robbery, auto theft, drugs, or assault. These all fall into crime and which police officers or court deems them guilty. The two media objects I will be completing are a racial profiling infographic on police checking, or brutality and ratios on color. And a remixed video on different scenarios or clips of unnecessary violence or irrational measures being taken. These two media objects matter to each other because one is a flat image of just statistics and facts and the other is something that makes you feel for the subject and the real videos that displayed. Everyday this happens and it needs to stop because families are loosing young ones and being incarcerated for no reason. This relates to my website because it brings all the attention to one space and the subject matter is presented all at once on color, police judgment, incarceration rates, and family morning.