Capstone Project: Salice, Rosie

Addiction as a disease.
For my Capstone I want to focus on social issues regarding the use of legal and illegal drugs. Addressing psychological and social ramification of use of psychoactive substances. There is a necessity to understand the neurological changes that occur from long-term use. On a social level there is a profoundly negative stigma on addiction. Social education and awareness on the hard science behind substance use can help to reform the way such illness are approached and treated. One of the most fundamental ways this is apparent is by the changes ‘use’ has on neuronal pathways. One of the primary pathways effected by substance abuse is the “Reward Pathway” also know as the mesolimbic dopamine pathway. This pathway is responsible for processing reward and motivation. A memory forms due toexperiences such as repeated substance use. These memories conciously and unconciously reinforce drug-seeking behavior and distract from naturally rewarding experiences.
For my two media forms for the Capstone project, I plan to create an infographic and a form of remix file. For the remix file I plan to utilize both video and audio. For my infographic I plan to develop graphics within Adobe Illustrator and further refinment within After Effects. Making point to call attention to the vital need for education fundamentally allow for the public educated decisions. Social reform in which reassesses the nature of abuse and reconceptualizies addiction as a ‘disease’ process.