Capstone Project Proposal – Urban Gardening

For my capstone project, I plan to focus on how urban gardening can help create a healthier planet. With the increasing ramifications of global climate issues and our countries current wasteful habits, it is critical for Americans to look at ways to live more of a sustainable lifestyle. Urban gardening is an excellent way to reduce one’s impact on the environment.

Learning how to grow organic foods, compost, and raise urban livestock at home or as part of a community garden can provide a self-sufficient food supply as well as bringing greater biodiversity back into our local environments. There are many ways to sustainably and affordably do this. Some of which are using rain barrels to collect water, using worm bins for composting food and paper scraps, collecting seeds from organic plants, reusing newspapers to make pots to grow seedlings, and using items from your kitchen to help with pest management.

I will be creating a video remix with animated elements throughout to showcase areas on the following:
1) Why? Environmental and health issues examples.
2) What are the benefits? For you: fresh produce, reduced waste, beautiful yard. For the environment: reduced carbon footprint, biodiversity, helping bees.
3) How to in tight spaces? Community gardens are a great way for renters or those with no yard to have the opportunity to grow their food. Container and vertical gardens are an excellent way for renters and those with small spaces to maximize their growing area.
4) Tips and ideas for affordable and sustainable practices. Like, recycle items to make useful gardening items. How to composting to create soil, fertilizer and reduce waste. Ways to collect seeds for next seasons crops. Plus, ways to help save on water.

Since many people have a hard time knowing when to plant what, I’m going to create an infographic that shows the different growing times of fruit and vegetables in the Pacific Northwest.


Sarah Anderson Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I would like to discuss online piracy of content such as movies, music, and software. Online piracy is the illegal copying of licensed and copyrighted materials from the internet. As the internet becomes more popular and used by the general public, there are more opportunities for people to pirate copyrighted content. About one-fifth of Internet users regularly access sites that offer copyright infringing music. In addition, nearly 70% of people who use the internet find nothing wrong with online piracy However, illegal downloads and piracy takes the profit away from those who have worked hard to create the content and decreases its overall value. The economic impact of global piracy costs $25 billion to U.S. firms in lost sales. I would like to raise awareness of online piracy and show how it is severely and negatively impacting the economy.

For my media objects, I will be using a remixed video and an animation. They will contain information about pirating as well as provide a call to action for the audience. The animation will focus on statistics and facts about the prevalence of piracy while the remixed video will be focused on the economic impacts to different industries. The website will have a home page discussing the topic, a second page containing the animation with links to websites and sources with more information about the statistics, and a third page containing the remixed video with links to websites and sources with more information about the economic impacts.

Capstone Project

Throughout history film and media has always been dominated by men. From writers to directors, to producers and finally actors men have been the frontrunners for each role. In the twentieth century women have risen through the ranks to take a spot next to these men and make their mark but even today are still very much under represented. Most positions even today are still dominated by men. Female representation in film and media is important to not just young women but to society as a whole. Globally, there are 2.24 male characters for every 1 female character. In order for us to see a change in how women are viewed we need to see them more represented in our films, tv shows, and other media. We also must keep in mind that in order for us to fully have female representation in film and media that includes women of color and minorities as well. For my Capstone project I am going to create an animated infographic depicting the issues today we face with female representation but also the lengths we have come and need to continue. I’m also going to create an infographic in Illustrator as well that will tie into the animation.

Capstone Project Plan: Blog Post

For my Capstone Project I am interested in the topic of Cyberbullying.This is a occurrence that has started being an issue in the 21st century because of all the technology that was created. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar. Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. The best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. There are a number of things school staff can do to make schools safer and prevent bullying. I am going to represent this huge issue with an animation, and an infographic. In the animation I can show what goes on with cyberbullying and the interactions behind the screen that takes place. For the infographic I am going to manufacture an impactful image that makes the reader feel they should stand up against cyberbullying.

Edson Munoz-Capstone Project

Mental health is a problem that has existed for a very long time. Unfortunately, mental health seems to only get talked about when something tragic like a mass shooting happens. For my Capstone Project I want to focus on spreading awareness on mental health as well as including a call to action. It is mind boggling to think that in 2013, an estimated 43.8 million adults dealt with mental illness. Yet, not many people know about our mental health system. For example, not many people know that two million Americans with mental illness end up in jail, which means there are ten times more people in jail then in psychiatric hospitals. The two possible forms of media that I will be using in my project are an animated infographic and an audio mashup. I feel like an animated infographic is a perfect way to inform people about my issue. . In it I want to explain a bit of the history of how the government has dealt with this issue and what it is currently doing. I want it to contain many shocking facts that people did not know about. For my second media form, I want to possibly create a mashup containing expert opinion on the the topic as well as testimonials. I am aware that it may be hard to find audio recordings about my topic online, so I am open to the possibility of finding some local doctors that study this issue and conduct interviews with them.

Sue Park- Capstone

Is Raw Till Four Healthy?

Raw Till Four (RT4) is a vegan program created by a popular Youtuber and blogger, Freelee the Banana Girl. The diet circulated on Youtube and Instagram and amassed thousands of followers. The question is however: Is it really healthy? The diet differs from typical veganism in a way that it focuses on eating solely raw fruits and vegetables, and little to no fats or oils. So people basically eat unlimited raw, unprocessed foods until 4 pm, which is when you can consume a high-carb vegan dinner of 500+ calories. The diet also emphasizes the goal of abundance and eating “unlimited” calories, meaning that there is no calorie restriction. Although many claimed that the diet helped increase energy levels and improve their overall health, there is also controversy regarding possible health hazards. For example, cruciferous vegetables (kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) can worsen impaired thyroid function and cooking these vegetables neutralizes the risk. In some cases, cooking can even magnify the nutritional value of the food, such as tomatoes.

For this project, I’ll be researching statistical evidence to see if a person can sustain from such a diet. I’ll present my findings as both a static and animated infographic that informs viewers on what the diet is and the pros and cons that come with it, and whether if it’s beneficial, or just a fad to avoid. In regards to the creative process, I’ll be creating the graphics and imagery with Illustrator, writing the script and recording the voiceover, and using After Effects for the animation.


I am going to do my Capstone Project on hypnosis, the subconscious mind, and the potential we have through ‘this form of media’. I have not decided yet, but may touch on the concept of a collective consciousness. I have done several of my projects, in other DTC classes, on hypnosis and will be able to draw off of some of that material. I am in the DTC program mainly to compliment and market my hypnotherapy practice and it is these final projects and capstone projects that push me to create what will become a big part of my marketing strategy. I am currently operating my business through my website that was created in DTC355, and I also created an E-book in DTC375 that I plan to finish and publish someday.

This project has the potential to be either an addition to my current website or another form of online marketing. I plan to recreate my infographic with not so much ‘creepiness’, and instead push toward the direction of a fun informational marketing cartoon, which is the definition of an Infographic. I have also been experimenting with some remix material created with Premier Pro much like we did with our video remix’s. This will provide the other media object for this project

The infographic will stand alone as the entertaining part of the site, and the video will be featured to compliment parts of the text. It will be some kind of impact on the theme, such as a series of doors as a metaphor for choices in life.

Nick Fouts’ Capstone Project Intro | Ban the Box

For many people, filling out a job application can be relatively stress free, and maybe even exciting. However, for people who have been previously arrested or convicted, filling out a job application may not be worth the effort. A movement called the Ban the Box campaign was started in 2004, with goals of changing perceptions of people with histories of convictions or jail time.

The phrase “ban the box” refers to the checkbox on many applications that asks if the applicant has criminal history. Calling on cities and states to remove this checkbox, the movement urges employers to hire based on knowledge, skills, abilities and qualifications, rather than judging based on conviction history. In the case of many companies, applications will not even be considered if that box is checked. For many people who have been convicted of a crime in the past, their crimes were small or so long ago that they are irrelevant and would not impact their ability to do the job, yet employers still chuck the applications. With a significant percentage of adults having a conviction history, this issue can be detrimental to a person’s future after serving jail time.

For this project, I will produce an infographic with statistics about incarceration and employment to illustrate how difficult it is for people with criminal history to find employment. I will also create an animation that explains the issue and provides a solution and alternatives that benefit everyone.

Mackenzie Koch Capstone Project

When you try to explain a video game, how would you describe it? A movable art form that guides its players to a certain goal? A way in which people can discover a hidden message behind its virtual walls? Or a distraction for children that takes them away from greater purposes such as schoolwork, joining teams, or becoming part of a club like many parents describe them as? How about describing video games as a way to increase one’s creativity? Think about it! When you are playing a video game, you become complete immersed into the virtual world. You transform into the main protagonist with one main goal that involves overcoming obstacles to achieve what your characters desires. Now, apply that to the real world.

As I was trying to find information based around this topic, I found many websites that provide me with studies that show children who play video games are more creative in their drawings and how that overcome obstacles in their lives. Children learn to plan, search, and tackle challenges in the games that they can apply to modern challenges such as making decisions and facing consequences. With this, I will be focusing my Capstone project around the idea of how video games increase one’s creativity which allows an individual to advance better in life.

For my project, I plan on creating an infographic animation that will provide the ways of how video games increase creativity in its players and how this increase in creativity helps an individual in the real world. This infographic will include statistics along with animations which will be created within Illustrator and Affect Effects. I also plan on creating a mashup to help show the connection between video games, the players, and their evolving creativity. While the infographic animation explains the idea of video games increasing creativity, the mashup will provide more of visual example of what is going on in the player’s head with the virtual and real world. With my website, I plan to have a layout that will introduce the subject and then have two other links that will have infographic animation and mashup (layout will most likely change as development continues).