Sue Park- Capstone

Is Raw Till Four Healthy?

Raw Till Four (RT4) is a vegan program created by a popular Youtuber and blogger, Freelee the Banana Girl. The diet circulated on Youtube and Instagram and amassed thousands of followers. The question is however: Is it really healthy? The diet differs from typical veganism in a way that it focuses on eating solely raw fruits and vegetables, and little to no fats or oils. So people basically eat unlimited raw, unprocessed foods until 4 pm, which is when you can consume a high-carb vegan dinner of 500+ calories. The diet also emphasizes the goal of abundance and eating “unlimited” calories, meaning that there is no calorie restriction. Although many claimed that the diet helped increase energy levels and improve their overall health, there is also controversy regarding possible health hazards. For example, cruciferous vegetables (kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) can worsen impaired thyroid function and cooking these vegetables neutralizes the risk. In some cases, cooking can even magnify the nutritional value of the food, such as tomatoes.

For this project, I’ll be researching statistical evidence to see if a person can sustain from such a diet. I’ll present my findings as both a static and animated infographic that informs viewers on what the diet is and the pros and cons that come with it, and whether if it’s beneficial, or just a fad to avoid. In regards to the creative process, I’ll be creating the graphics and imagery with Illustrator, writing the script and recording the voiceover, and using After Effects for the animation.

Evan Torres | Paper Vs. Web Comics

My capstone project will have a focus on webcomics, in particular, webcomics versus traditional comics. Potential topics would include some comparing and contrasting of the two, a brief history of both, views and opinions on what the general public thinks of them, and maybe even the different styles of the two.

Web and traditional comics might have totally different mediums, but the styles they have are often quite similar to one another, by which I mean they can be roughly sorted into two categories: Strips and stories. My project would go into detail about what these two coined styles mean, as well as provide external links to various comic publishers’ websites.

Comic strips are what you might expect: A series of three to four panels usually telling a joke. There are more than enough examples of these in traditional format (Peanuts, Garfield), but there are a few examples of this in digital form as well (Penny Arcade, PvP). Likewise, stories are more elaborate and detailed, taking form in traditional mediums as comic books, and in webcomics as whole pages posted over a set time.

Additionally, I could very easily go into detail on whether or not multimedia comics and flash animations count as “webcomics.” Since this is somewhat subjective, I would probably do my comparing and contrasting here using an infographic, displaying the differences between these types of media and standstill images. Of course, I still need to use remixed media, so I could probably use it to help make this point by creating a short video detailing how this type of comic looks and feels.

Mackenzie Koch Capstone Project

When you try to explain a video game, how would you describe it? A movable art form that guides its players to a certain goal? A way in which people can discover a hidden message behind its virtual walls? Or a distraction for children that takes them away from greater purposes such as schoolwork, joining teams, or becoming part of a club like many parents describe them as? How about describing video games as a way to increase one’s creativity? Think about it! When you are playing a video game, you become complete immersed into the virtual world. You transform into the main protagonist with one main goal that involves overcoming obstacles to achieve what your characters desires. Now, apply that to the real world.

As I was trying to find information based around this topic, I found many websites that provide me with studies that show children who play video games are more creative in their drawings and how that overcome obstacles in their lives. Children learn to plan, search, and tackle challenges in the games that they can apply to modern challenges such as making decisions and facing consequences. With this, I will be focusing my Capstone project around the idea of how video games increase one’s creativity which allows an individual to advance better in life.

For my project, I plan on creating an infographic animation that will provide the ways of how video games increase creativity in its players and how this increase in creativity helps an individual in the real world. This infographic will include statistics along with animations which will be created within Illustrator and Affect Effects. I also plan on creating a mashup to help show the connection between video games, the players, and their evolving creativity. While the infographic animation explains the idea of video games increasing creativity, the mashup will provide more of visual example of what is going on in the player’s head with the virtual and real world. With my website, I plan to have a layout that will introduce the subject and then have two other links that will have infographic animation and mashup (layout will most likely change as development continues).


Video Game Diversity Infographic – Draft 3
This is a 3rd draft of the an infographic I am creating in DTC 201. I chose the topic of video game diversity and I will continue to expand upon the project in the coming weeks.