
I am going to do my Capstone Project on hypnosis, the subconscious mind, and the potential we have through ‘this form of media’. I have not decided yet, but may touch on the concept of a collective consciousness. I have done several of my projects, in other DTC classes, on hypnosis and will be able to draw off of some of that material. I am in the DTC program mainly to compliment and market my hypnotherapy practice and it is these final projects and capstone projects that push me to create what will become a big part of my marketing strategy. I am currently operating my business through my website that was created in DTC355, and I also created an E-book in DTC375 that I plan to finish and publish someday.

This project has the potential to be either an addition to my current website or another form of online marketing. I plan to recreate my infographic with not so much ‘creepiness’, and instead push toward the direction of a fun informational marketing cartoon, which is the definition of an Infographic. I have also been experimenting with some remix material created with Premier Pro much like we did with our video remix’s. This will provide the other media object for this project

The infographic will stand alone as the entertaining part of the site, and the video will be featured to compliment parts of the text. It will be some kind of impact on the theme, such as a series of doors as a metaphor for choices in life.

Video Game Diversity Infographic – Draft 3
This is a 3rd draft of the an infographic I am creating in DTC 201. I chose the topic of video game diversity and I will continue to expand upon the project in the coming weeks.