Capstone Project Plan

For my Capstone Project, I want to focus on the issue of concussions and brain trauma to NFL players, and how cases of such trauma have proven to lead to degenerative brain diseases such as CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy).  This problem is much more common than one would imagine, with roughly one-in-three NFL players affected by concussions or brain trauma.  For my forms of media, I would like to make an infographic poster, with various facts and statistics that show how big of a problem brain trauma is in the NFL and amongst football players as a whole.  I will make this in Adobe Illustrator, and I’d like to include a decent amount of data to emphasize some of the interesting facts about the subject.  I think I’ll also make an audio/video mashup (depending on what content is available, and what will work to create a satisfactory product) of interviews, videos (and/or audio clips) of football players getting hit, and possibly a voice-over created by myself to explain/voice facts about the subject.  These two forms of media will likely both incorporate some of the same information, while being presented differently.  I want to incorporate a call to action in my website, perhaps on its own page of the site.  This will hopefully inspire people to educate themselves on how football should/should not be played, and maybe even contact information for the NFL, in order to urge the NFL to implement measures to keep their players safe.

Video Game Diversity Infographic – Draft 3
This is a 3rd draft of the an infographic I am creating in DTC 201. I chose the topic of video game diversity and I will continue to expand upon the project in the coming weeks.