Capstone Project

Throughout history film and media has always been dominated by men. From writers to directors, to producers and finally actors men have been the frontrunners for each role. In the twentieth century women have risen through the ranks to take a spot next to these men and make their mark but even today are still very much under represented. Most positions even today are still dominated by men. Female representation in film and media is important to not just young women but to society as a whole. Globally, there are 2.24 male characters for every 1 female character. In order for us to see a change in how women are viewed we need to see them more represented in our films, tv shows, and other media. We also must keep in mind that in order for us to fully have female representation in film and media that includes women of color and minorities as well. For my Capstone project I am going to create an animated infographic depicting the issues today we face with female representation but also the lengths we have come and need to continue. I’m also going to create an infographic in Illustrator as well that will tie into the animation.