Capstone Project Sex Trafficking

Capstone Project


The topic for this capstone project is to research and bring more awareness to a global issue on sex trafficking. This is a serious and dangerous topic that needs to be talked about more to spread awareness. For the overall project, a combination of documentaries will be used, along with graphics and visuals focusing on the west coast and the interstate 5 corridors from San Diego to Seattle. This is an important subject that needs to raise more awareness and options for victims to receive help.

Sex trafficking is the exploitation of women and children, including young boys, within national or across international borders, for the purposes of forced sex work. Commercial sexual exploitation includes pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking of women and girls, and is characterized by the exploitation of a human being in exchange for money. Women and girls are ensnared in sex trafficking in a variety of ways. Some are lured with offers of legitimate and legal work. Others are promised marriage, educational opportunities and a better life. Many are sold into trafficking by boyfriends, friends, neighbors or even parents.

This project will focus on a website design that explains the situation as well as the red flags to be aware of, along with where to seek help. The history of this dates back many years and Portland, Oregon has been a main area of sex trafficking for centuries. It also has the largest commercial sex industry in the country. It is important to expose and research this $32 billion dollar industry.

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