Cap. Project Single parenting

My subject matter for my Capstone Project will be single parents more specifically single moms. How to be successful and not to live within the limits put on us by society. As a single mom myself and raising 2 amazing little boys, I want to focus on the positives, the successes and courage it takes to do it.

“A single parent, sometimes called a solo parent, is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver, meaning the parent the children have residency with the majority of the time.”
No one signs up to be a single parent, it’s exhausting and probably the toughest job you will ever have. It is also the most rewarding. That you can do it just as well as a 2 parent family, just differently. Single moms are strong, can be successful but we need to surround ourselves with the right support networks and we need to educate ourselves. I am wanting to point out the myths and out of date way of thinking and how you don’t have to live within that box. If you are put into a position to be a single mom it’s not the end of the world. It may be a little more challenging, exhausting (did I already say that?) but it is doable. Your children can and will grow up strong, confident and successful adults, you just have to be willing to do the work.

I plan to create website/ blog of some sort. I want it to be a place for resources, encouragement and empowerment. I also want to either do a mashup video (if I can find enough content) or an animation. I haven’t fully decided as it will depend on my angle. I am still tossing this around in my head a little. I feel like this topic is pretty broad and I may need to simplify it a little more.