Capstone proposal

Star Wars has long been part of the cultural fabric ever since the 1970’s. it has woven its way across the world and recently its popularity has skyrocketed. Few years ago George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney for a mere 4 billion dollars and now Disney has created a whole new slate of content with a new movie being their flagship. The movie has been shot and now we are getting closer to the premier. A trailer for the upcoming movie has dropped along with pre-ticket sales. That’s about when the Internet crashed. This movie has quickly become an event unlike any other big tent-pole film. Somehow this film has captured the movie going audience and has now become the can’t miss event of the year. I want to take a closer look into this phenomenon and see how this has transpired; by using a remix video and images created through illustrator I hope I will be able to show people how crazy the world is for this thing called “Star Wars”. The numbers that have already emerged from this movie are staggering, from shutting down the internet to outselling previous records by up to ten times! This movement has captured the worlds attention and I hope to shed some light as to why.

Concealed Campus

Hello there!

I believe in the importance of spreading awareness to those who have not yet educated themselves about what Students for Concealed Carry (SCC) are lobbying for.


Some believe that we’re advocating the right for anyone to carry a gun on campus.


SCC is advocating for those students and teachers who currently hold a legal concealed carry permit.

Obtaining a concealed carry permit, a background check is conducted on the individual by the county sheriff’s office.

This distinction is pivotal in understanding that I’m not advocating that everyone be permitted to carry concealed firearms on campus, but to allow those individuals who already protect themselves legally everyday also protect themselves legally on campus here at WSU-V.

The current regulations prohibit lawful concealed carry at WSU-V, and I’m admonishing all to help in sustaining the constitution here at WSU-V.

Here are some Common Arguments.