Anne Braden – Freedom Fighter

For this project I focused on Anne Braden, a well known leader of the Civil Rights Movement.  She went against everyone she knew and loved to defend the rights of everyone regardless of race.  Mixed in are clips from various different speeches by different activists and group leaders as well as I slow melodic tune to set the pace.

Barbaric Fishing Practices Destroying our Oceans

I chose, for my Capstone Project, to express my views on the damages that the commercial fishing industry has done to the ocean. After having spent a few seasons on various fishing vessels, I was shocked by the numerous sea creatures that fell prey to these careless practices, regardless of “innovations” in the equipment used, the numbers were still exponential. This wasn’t limited to only aquatic sea life either. Even avian sea life is drawn into the fold, as they follow the ships to feed off the catch. Often only to be injured and fall into the sea too drown.

gnarly narwhal

Check out these links to learn a little more of the damages done.