Edson Munoz-Capstone Project

Mental health is a problem that has existed for a very long time. Unfortunately, mental health seems to only get talked about when something tragic like a mass shooting happens. For my Capstone Project I want to focus on spreading awareness on mental health as well as including a call to action. It is mind boggling to think that in 2013, an estimated 43.8 million adults dealt with mental illness. Yet, not many people know about our mental health system. For example, not many people know that two million Americans with mental illness end up in jail, which means there are ten times more people in jail then in psychiatric hospitals. The two possible forms of media that I will be using in my project are an animated infographic and an audio mashup. I feel like an animated infographic is a perfect way to inform people about my issue. . In it I want to explain a bit of the history of how the government has dealt with this issue and what it is currently doing. I want it to contain many shocking facts that people did not know about. For my second media form, I want to possibly create a mashup containing expert opinion on the the topic as well as testimonials. I am aware that it may be hard to find audio recordings about my topic online, so I am open to the possibility of finding some local doctors that study this issue and conduct interviews with them.

Cole Benak Capstone Project – Support The Craft

The craft beer industry is one Pacific Northwesterners know extremely well, however it is not contained to just our region.  Craft breweries can be found across the United States, and throughout the world.  Since the 1980’s this distinct and unique industry began with home brewers experimenting on their own, sharing recipes and creating not only a new industry, but a new community.  With grassroots firmly planted, it was time to grow, but not without its own hurdles to overcome.

As in every other industry, in order to grow and develop not only to expand your product but to also make a profit, there needs to be a form of capital and investment.  This is typically done by owner bringing money in, but this can only go so far before you must wait for the slow return of profit.  With outside investors brewers not only lose a portion of ownership, but also some control – this control and oversight of the craft allows errors, mishaps and sometimes a decline in product quality.  Microbreweries are no longer becoming micro – the product is such that in order to continue growing, there must be expansion.

In addition to investment issues, there are also environmental issues.  Although this doesn’t have a direct way to fix it, it is something that typically goes unconsidered by the general public.  A harsh season can leave many breweries that rely on specific crops without important pieces of their recipe.  This then forces them to use alternate products, effecting no only their brew, but ultimately the product they then bring to market.









Mackenzie Koch Capstone Project

When you try to explain a video game, how would you describe it? A movable art form that guides its players to a certain goal? A way in which people can discover a hidden message behind its virtual walls? Or a distraction for children that takes them away from greater purposes such as schoolwork, joining teams, or becoming part of a club like many parents describe them as? How about describing video games as a way to increase one’s creativity? Think about it! When you are playing a video game, you become complete immersed into the virtual world. You transform into the main protagonist with one main goal that involves overcoming obstacles to achieve what your characters desires. Now, apply that to the real world.

As I was trying to find information based around this topic, I found many websites that provide me with studies that show children who play video games are more creative in their drawings and how that overcome obstacles in their lives. Children learn to plan, search, and tackle challenges in the games that they can apply to modern challenges such as making decisions and facing consequences. With this, I will be focusing my Capstone project around the idea of how video games increase one’s creativity which allows an individual to advance better in life.

For my project, I plan on creating an infographic animation that will provide the ways of how video games increase creativity in its players and how this increase in creativity helps an individual in the real world. This infographic will include statistics along with animations which will be created within Illustrator and Affect Effects. I also plan on creating a mashup to help show the connection between video games, the players, and their evolving creativity. While the infographic animation explains the idea of video games increasing creativity, the mashup will provide more of visual example of what is going on in the player’s head with the virtual and real world. With my website, I plan to have a layout that will introduce the subject and then have two other links that will have infographic animation and mashup (layout will most likely change as development continues).