Blog Post 8/28

I started my clips around 2:20 because the framing was varied a lot after that time stamp.

My all time favorite movie is Fantastic Mr Fox made by Wes Anderson. Not only is this movie an entertaining watch for the characters and plot but also Wes Andersons unique style of filming centers around one thing; framing. Anderson is known for his framing, color palette and consistent symmetry in every scene, its actually quite fascinating.

medium closeup

Very long shot

long shot

long shot

long shot

medium closeup

long shot

closeup and very long


mid shot

Long shot

long shot

closeup & mid shot

mid shot

A lot of these shots are two layered, that’s why I enjoy Wes Andersons film style so much, it’s all so stacked and every frame compliments the other. There was 7 different frames from this 20 second clip and I think they fit each scene so well.

I love the framing of the last 5 shots, the camera stays stationary but the moving of characters changes the framing which is so interesting. Long shots are most common for this clip and I feel as if the framing fits the scenario of this part of the movie so much, it shines light on how small the characters really are and shows how vast the Boggis farm is as well as how heavily armed it is which wouldn’t be conveyed as well in anything smaller than a mid shot.

You’ll also notice that characters will share the same frame one after each other without moving the angle or position of the camera or changing to a new scene.

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