Duel: An Intense Scene – Continuity Edits and Scene Build

In this scene, Steven Spielberg uses many continuity edits to build the scene and create tension.
The beginning of the scene uses the 180-degree rule by staying on the left side of the subjects with the subject’s facing camera left as they are driving. The scene uses longer cuts to create a feeling of uncertainty about the truck drivers next moves.
One shot reverse shot is used for the dialogue between David and the gas attendant before he moves on to the phone booth to call the police. An insert shot shows David’s surroundings while he’s in the booth which gives a sense of vulnerability.
Cross cutting is used to start building tension by showing the action of David calling the police while the truck driver makes his way towards David. Shorter and more rapid cut scenes are then used which starts to build tension.
During a shot of David on the phone, audio from the last scene of the truck is continued to be used to imply that the truck is approaching David which adds suspense.
Match on action shots are used to show the action taking place when the truck runs over the telephone pole and the animal tanks. Insert shots are used to show the dangerous animals now surrounding David which adds to the chaos of the scene, as well as the sad reaction from the gas attendee. More match on action shots are used to show David trying to deter the driver by throwing a tank at him, and then David making his way to his car.

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