Blog Post 3 – Sound

Name: Ammaar Akhtar
Date: 9-13-24
Class: DTC 208

This relatively short clip has so many different things happening in it. It feels very intentionally chaotic yet also methodical. The scene depicts a family, of sorts, assembling for breakfast and collectively contributing to the electric bill due to be payed that day. Some of the stand out things that I noticed were the long camera shots where several things happened in a single scene as the camera moved around observing the carefully executed chaos. When they have all sat down at the table to eat, they pass around a money collection basket to pay for the bill. As this happens, the camera swaps between moving shots following the box around as it is passed, and swapping between different characters speaking. It does so relatively quickly but not in a way to where the viewer cannot keep track of what it happening. Before they all sat down, the camera got several shots of everyone going to sit down at the table, which I would imagine allowed the following camera shots at the table to be more fast-paced since the viewer already knows what is happening overall. Even though the scene is clearly much shorter than a real breakfast, it doesn’t feel this way at all when watching; the editing, sound effects, and overall coordinated pacing helps make the scene feel natural and not rushed any more than what was intended.

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