Blog Post: Breakfast with the Gallaghers

This clip contains a lot of movement and energy, a lot of stuff is happening but is also quite easy to follow because it starts off with Fiona opening the fridge and grabbing the milk gallon. This milk gallon appears in the following shots as it is being passed around, and returns back to Fiona as we see her fill it up with sink water. This hints (without knowing the context and story of the show) that this family isn’t in the best financial situation, and is supported by the fact that the family is sharing money to put in a box to pay the electric bills. This box was also passed around like the milk gallon, with each character in the show saying the word electric so we can follow what is happening easier.

A lot of the framing in this scene manages to show a lot of what the background characters are doing. For example- when one of the kids throws Fiona the phone, the camera angle flips the next shot and we see her catch it, while also getting to see the others eat their cereal/do whatever they’re doing as they’re hurrying to get ready for school. So even though it was kind of a chaotic scene in the episode, the camera framing and continuity was easy to follow and understand.

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