Posthuman Cinema

The video “POSTHUMAN CINEMA” uses surreal imagery, black and white colors, and dramatic music/dialogue to create an intense dream-like feeling in the viewer. The opening scene shows a woman in the desert floating softly toward the ground in a flowing dress, which sets the tone for the video in a very surreal manner. The video focuses on the people in each shot, all having dramatic poses, expressions, or movements. Each shot has a dark background, with a very cinematic and almost spotlight effect on the subject. Throughout the video, the subjects morph from one pose to the next,  as if they are shapeshifting. By using these sorts of techniques, we are unable to predict what might happen next. In traditional films, the audience is normally able to follow along with the plot/scene and have guesses and predictions as to what the possibilities are for the following shot. With AI imagery, there is a constant morphing of the subject that allows the viewer to maintain a constant curiosity about what is to come next which I think is an interesting aspect to AI videos as a whole.

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