Blog post: Video Analysis

Rachel Maclean’s Again and Again and Again creates an artificial world through the heavy use of digital effects such as green Screens, vibrant color manipulations, and layered tracks create effects that capture real bodies and spaces by portraying them as exaggerated characters and environments. The film plays with reality, demonstrating how easily media can distort it.

Generative AI goes even further by building entire scenes and characters without the use of cameras. These effects make cinema more imaginative, but they also blur the line between what is real and what is artificially created.

While some of what AI is capable of producing is impressive, there are times when it can feel excessive. In my opinion, videos like this are fascinating to watch because of the work put into them, but I often find them overwhelming. The imagery is eye-catching, yet I feel like there is too much going on. If there is a deeper meaning behind the video or what is being communicated, I feel like I missed it due to the overwhelming amount of visual information on the screen.​

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