Post 11/8

My final video idea is a combination of documentary / ‘making of’ film and a fictional concept.

Beginning: At the start, the video would resemble a crafting / ‘making of’ style documentary of a creator crafting a doll. It would follow the steps of creation (not closely, but document the process), until the conception of the doll.

Middle: The video takes a fictional documentary turn, as it follows the creator and the doll living life together. This would most likely be a montage portion showing the depth of friendship between the two.

In the final montage scene, the creator drops the doll in mud, ruining it (?). The scene is held in dramatic fashion for a moment.

End: The video returns to the creator, pacing anxiously around their home in. They begin crafting another doll. This is a repeat of sorts of the first time, sped up and slightly varied to show the change in emotion. This doll is complete, different than the first. The creator hands Doll 2 a bucket and towel, and Doll 2 cleans Doll 1 for them, and all is well.

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