Hey everyone,
For my final project, I plan on creating a short film that deals with time traveling. I’d love to incorporate a looping aspect to this short that change as the story continues. The story follows the main character who discovers how to travel through time after a day’s strange events. It turns out that what happened during the day was caused by the main character after they traveled into the past to help themselves that day. It’s a big undertaking story wise, but would be very easy and accessible to shoot for a 2-5 minute short film. I feel that this topic would be a great balance of challenge and achievability. I would include no more than three people in this project if there’s a need for more than the main character, which I have not yet determined. The plot would go as follows:
Character goes through their day and experiences weird events that help them out.
Character stumbles onto a time travel device with their name on a note next to it.
Character goes back and forth in time, then to the future where they met future them. Evil or wise, not sure yet.
Future self tells them to save their past self to continue the cycle.
Goes back and sees that they were the one helping their past self at the beginning.
Cycle continues.
I need to flesh out the story quite a bit more and ensure it makes sense story wise and for how the scenes would be put together. Overall, I’m excited how this project will turn out!