Post-Production (October 18)

To Do This Week

DUE: Profile Rough Cut 

Do: Work on a rough cut of your job/hobby profile. We will critique in class.

Blog: Make a post discussing your experience of shooting the job/hobby profile. Were there any challenges? What worked well?

If you have not yet shot the interview and B-roll, how do you intend to shoot it. What will you ask? What visual evidence will you capture?


One Minute Films next week.

View Montage and Effects videos…

View rough/fine Cuts

Approaches to Editing

  • duration of work
  • editing your own vs. someone else’s video clips
  • chronological editing
  • edit in logical sequences or scenes
  • precision editing, zooming in
  • fixing sound issues, sound mix
  • transitions – find the cut
  • music mix
  • credits

DUE: FINAL CUT – next week

Premiere Editing Tricks

Synchronize external audio with camera audio in Premiere:

Get rid of noise, like fans and hums:

Editing Audio with interviews:

Working with Text:




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