One Minute Films (November 8)

To Do This Week

Due: One-Minute Rough Cut
Due: Final Project Description – make a blog post describing your final project idea and your plan for completing a rough cut by the last class. 

In Class

Watch Rough Cuts

Final Project (30%)

Description (blog post) Due: Today
Rough Cuts Due:  Dec 6

Final Cut Due: Dec 10

Create a final video project of 2-5 minutes that demonstrates what you have learned about framing, continuity, montage, effects, sound design, screenwriting, storyboarding, visual evidence and visual storytelling. You do not have to use all of these techniques, but you should consider all aspects of production and post-production we have covered.

You may create a fictional or non-fictional project. However, the project must be made of video (moving digital images originally captured as video), incorporate thoughtful editing and you must engage with the class ideas in the conception of your project. Your grade will be based on the quality and effort of your creative work as well as its conceptual foundation.

Some suggested ideas:

  • a mini documentary (visual evidence)
  • a profile of a person, company, product or institution (visual evidence)
  • a fictional short video, another one-minute short?
  • a mock documentary
  • an experimental video with composting, spatial montage and/or other effects
  • a video essay

Each student must write an artist statement (as a blog post) about their project.

Past Student Work:


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