Poor Things – Screen Grab Shots

Movie: Poor Things
Scene: Dancing scene

This is a bit of a long scene so I will be reviewing starting at the 0:40s mark.

Frame 1: Long Shot

Frame 2: Medium Long Shot

Frame 3: Extreme Long Shot

Frame 4: Extreme Long Shot

Frame 5: Long Shot

Frame 6: Medium Long Shot

Frame 7: Medium Shot – bit of an upward view

Frame 8: Long Shot – bit of an upward view

Frame 9: Medium Shot – bit of an upward view

Frame 10: Medium Shot

Frame 11: Extreme Long Shot

Frame 12: Medium Shot

Frame 13: Extreme – Extreme Long Shot

Frame 14: Medium Long Shot

Frame 15: Long Shot

Frame 16: Long Shot

Frame 17: Long Shot

Frame 18: Long Shot

Frame 19: Long Shot

Frame 20: Medium Shot

Frame 21: Long Shot

Frame 22: Long Shot

While this scene only uses about 4 different types of frames, the editing and back and forth is effective in showcasing an unspoken relationship between the two characters.

The extreme long shots showcase the “norms” of society and comparison between the behaviors of the two characters. The cuts to these shots highlight the characters existence amongst a society.

The long shots show the characters body taking up space in their surroundings and the distinction between the two characters behaviors. The female protagonist’s (Bella) behavior is as if she is letting the rhythm of the music set her behavior rather than the surrounding dancers. She is not conforming to the norms of the surrounding characters, but she is eager to join them. The scenes when she is the main subject in the shot is most obvious of this behavior. The scenes when the male antagonist (Duncan) is dancing with her shows his efforts in trying to conform her behaviors to those around her. The scenes when he comes and takes her as a partner are most obvious of this behavior.

The medium long shots are used as another perspective, although a bit more personal, of comparing the two characters to the rest of the dancers. These shots help with continuing the scene and flow between frames.

The medium shots are used to highlight what seems to be a fight between the two characters for control. This is a closer view isolates the two characters from the rest of the dancers. Bella wants to continue her independent behavior while Duncan wants to control her to conform.

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