Framing: Se7en

For a little context, this scene takes place at the end of the movie. A serial killer these detectives have been tracking has turned himself in and led them to a remote location. At that remote location a package is delivered (a box). One detective separates from the other (who is watching the killer) to open the box. At this point the viewer likely already has theories of what might be in the box before it is opened.

Find the entire clip here:


Medium (waist up). I also think this shot is using the rule of thirds. He is holding a knife to cut the box open.

Medium close up (on the box + his hands)

Close up (face), you can see him concentrating on cutting the box open.

Close up (top of box + his hands), he gets the box cut open

Close up (face), Cuts to the other detective (who is watching from afar) and the killer. Also maybe using the rule of thirds.

Extreme long shot. As it has just cut from the other detective watching, it implies this is what he sees.

Close up (top of box again), this time the detective opens it. The close up allows you to see the blood on the cardboard better.

Close up (face) a quick shot to get his immediate reaction (shock)

Medium close up on the now open box

Close up (face). The detective is now standing up, notice the slightly low angle so we know he is looking down at the box.

Close up on the open box

Close up (face) again

Close up (face), a cut to another character in a helicopter, watching the detectives to ensure their safety. I didn’t screenshot the part where he had binoculars on, but even without that since he is above them you can assume he saw what was in the box as well.

Close up (face), now the detective is looking over his shoulder.

Extreme long shot, showing us the detective was looking over his shoulder at the other detective.

Close up (face), he is looking at the contents of the box again.

Close up (box)

Close up (face)

Before the box is even opened the viewer has theories of what could be in it. The blood on the top of the box, as well as the detectives reaction (looking back at the other detective) really hints that whatever is in the box has something to do with a person close to the other detective. In my opinion the back and fourth between the detective and the box does a good job showing he is unsure how to handle the situation next.

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