Blog Post 1

LS (establishing size)

Medium close up, wide angle

Medium (waist up)

Close Up

Extreme Long Shot Wide angle

Wide angle

Close Up Wide angle

The scene is held together by the use of many wide shots intermittent with close ups to show the audience the massive size difference between Godzilla and the people that are on the boat. Whenever the shots are on Godzilla throughout this scene the camera is often shaky to also give this illusion of power and urgency. When it is focusing on the people it is a steady camera that focuses on never really showing the subjects in full to make them appear smaller, until we are given the last shot of the main character, were he is sharing more screen with Godzilla. This is used to show that the main character has built up the courage to face off with something that is significantly larger then him giving a semblance of equality.


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